List of publications

Kees Wapenaar, Section of Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics, Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands

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International Journals

Copyright: The authors and the publishers: Academie des sciences, Elsevier Masson SAS (Comptes Rendus Geoscience), Acoustical Society of America (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA Express Letters), American Geophysical Union (Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research, Radio Science), American Institute of Physics (Physics Today), American Physical Society (Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Journal of Applied Mechanics), Annual Reviews (Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences), Elsevier (Computers & Geosciences, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Ultrasonics, Wave Motion), EMW Publishing (Progress In Electromagnetics Research), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (First Break, Geophysical Prospecting, Near Surface Geophysics), European Geosciences Union (Solid Earth), Geophysical Press (Journal of Seismic Exploration), Hindawi Publishing Corporation (Advances in Mathematical Physics, International Journal of Geophysics), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control), International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Journal of Computational Acoustics), IOP Publishing (New Journal of Physics, EPL (Europhysics Letters)), IOS Press (Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering), MDPI (Applied Sciences, Symmetry), Nature Publishing Group (Nature, Scientific Reports), Plenum Publishing Corporation (Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications), Public Service (European Science & Technology), Royal Astronomical Society (Geophysical Journal International), Royal Society (Proceedings of the Royal Society A), Seismological Society of America (Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (Geophysics, Interpretation, The Leading Edge), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences), Springer (European Physical Journal Plus, Earthquake Science, Journal of Seismology, Surveys in Geophysics). These articles may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the authors and the publishers.


(262) Wapenaar, K., 2025, Multiple reflections on Huygens' principle: under review. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(261) Shirmohammadi, F., Draganov, D., van IJsseldijk, J., Ghose, R., Thorbecke, J., Verschuur, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2025, Application of Marchenko-based isolation to a land S-wave seismic dataset: under review. Preprint available on arXiv.

(260) Wapenaar, K., 2025, Green's functions, propagation invariants, reciprocity theorems, wave-field representations and propagator matrices in two-dimensional time-dependent materials: Proc. R. Soc. A, in press. Preprint available on arXiv.


(259) Wapenaar, K., Aichele, J., and van Manen, D.J., 2024 Waves in space-dependent and time-dependent materials: A systematic comparison: Wave Motion, Vol. 130, 103374. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(258) Van Manen, D.J., Aichele, J., Mueller, J., Serra-Garcia, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2024, On acoustic space-time media that compute their own inverse: arXiv:2406.15203. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).

(257) Shoja, A., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2024, Target-oriented least-squares reverse time migration with Marchenko redatuming and double focusing: Field data application: Geophysics, Vol. 89 (3), S267-S274. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(256) Thorbecke, J., Almobarak, M., van IJsseldijk, J., Brackenhoff, J., Meles, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2024, Design, implementation and application of the Marchenko plane-wave algorithm: Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 187, 105577. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(255) Van IJsseldijk, J., Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2024, Time-lapse applications of the Marchenko method on the Troll field: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 72, 1026-1036. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.


(254) Hartstra, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, The impact of crustal scattering on body-wave reflection interferometry by cross-correlation and multidimensional deconvolution: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 235, 1996-2006. pdf-file.

(253) Van IJsseldijk, J., Hajibeygi, H., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, A framework for subsurface monitoring by integrating reservoir simulation with time-lapse seismic surveys: Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, 13661. pdf-file. The paper can be accessed at the Scientific Reports website via this html-link. Also available on arXiv.

(252) Wapenaar, K., Dukalski, M., Reinicke, C., and Snieder, R., 2023, Propagator and transfer matrices, Marchenko focusing functions and their mutual relations: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 235, 1403-1419. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(251) Shoja, A., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, Target-enclosed least-squares seismic imaging: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 61, 4503612. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(250) Van IJsseldijk, J., Al Hasani, M., Verschuur, E., Drijkoningen, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, Application of virtual seismology to DAS data in Groningen: arXiv:2305.13407. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).

(249) Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, Minimum-phase property and reconstruction of elastodynamic dereverberation matrix operators: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 235, 1-11. pdf-file.

(248) Van IJsseldijk, J., van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, Extracting small time-lapse traveltime changes in a reservoir using primaries and internal multiples after Marchenko-based target zone isolation: Geophysics, Vol. 88 (2), R135-R143. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(247) Shoja, A., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, Target-oriented least-squares reverse-time migration using Marchenko double-focusing: reducing the artefacts caused by overburden multiples: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 233, 13-32. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(246) Diekmann, L., Vasconcelos, I., Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2023, Wavefield focusing using a generalised, potentially asymmetric homogeneous Green's function: Wave Motion, Vol. 116, 103071. pdf-file.


(245) Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2022, Reciprocity and representations for wave fields in 3D inhomogeneous parity-time symmetric materials: Symmetry, Vol. 14 (11), 2236. pdf-file.

(244) Van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Meles, G.A., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, Marchenko Green's function retrieval in layered elastic media from two-sided reflection and transmission data: Applied Sciences, Vol. 12 (15), 7824. pdf-file.

(243) Van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Meles, G., Zhang, L., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, On the retrieval of forward-scattered waveforms from acoustic reflection and transmission data with the Marchenko equation: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 69 (5), 1775-1786. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(242) Wapenaar, K., 2022, Wave-field representations with Green's functions, propagator matrices, and Marchenko-type focusing functions: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 151 (1), 587-608. pdf-file. Copyright (2022) Author. This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License. The article appeared in JASA and may be found at Also available on arXiv.

(241) Wapenaar, K., and de Ridder, S., 2022, On the relation between the propagator matrix and the Marchenko focusing function: Geophysics, Vol. 87 (2), A7-A11. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(240) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, 3-D virtual seismology: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 60, 4702015. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(239) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., Meles, G., Koehne, V., Barrera, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, 3D Marchenko applications: implementation and examples: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 70, 35-56. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.


(238) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Dukalski, M., Meles, G., Reinicke, C., Slob, E., Staring, M., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., and Zhang, L., 2021, Marchenko redatuming, imaging, and multiple elimination and their mutual relations: Geophysics, Vol. 86 (5), WC117-WC140. pdf-file. Expanded version pdf-file.

(237) Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Internal multiple elimination: Can we trust an acoustic approximation?: Geophysics, Vol. 86 (5), WC41-WC54. pdf-file.

(236) Wapenaar, K., Snieder, R., de Ridder, S., and Slob, E., 2021, Green's function representations for Marchenko imaging without up/down decomposition: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 227, 184-203. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(235) Kiraz, M.S.R., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Focusing waves in an unknown medium without wavefield decomposition: JASA Express Lett., Vol. 1 (5), 055602. pdf-file. Copyright (2021) Authors. This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License. The article appeared in JASA Express Letters and may be found at doi/10.1121/10.0004962.

(234) Thorbecke, J., Zhang, L., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2021, Implementation of the Marchenko multiple elimination algorithm: Geophysics, Vol. 86 (2), F9-F23. pdf-file. Bright spots column pdf-file.

(233) Staring, M., Dukalski, M., Belonosov, M., Baardman, R.H., Yoo, J., Hegge, R.F., van Borselen, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Robust estimation of primaries by sparse inversion and Marchenko equation-based workflow for multiple suppression in the case of a shallow water layer and a complex overburden: A 2D case study in the Arabian Gulf: Geophysics, Vol. 86 (2), Q15-Q25. pdf-file.

(232) Van IJsseldijk, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Adaptation of the iterative Marchenko scheme for imperfectly sampled data: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 224, 326-336. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.


(231) Minato, S., Wapenaar, K., and Ghose, R., 2020, Elastic least-squares migration for quantitative reflection imaging of fracture compliances: Geophysics, Vol. 85 (6), S327-S342. pdf-file.

(230) Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, Comparison of monotonicity challenges encountered by the inverse scattering series and the Marchenko demultiple method for elastic waves: Geophysics, Vol. 85 (5), Q11-Q26. pdf-file.

(229) Wapenaar, K., 2020, The Marchenko method for evanescent waves: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 223, 1412-1417. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(228) Wapenaar, K., 2020, A modified Marchenko method to retrieve the wave field inside layered metamaterial from reflection measurements at the surface: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 148 (2), 939-953. pdf-file. Copyright (2020) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. The article appeared in JASA and may be found at Also available on arXiv.

(227) Staring, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, Three-dimensional Marchenko internal multiple attenuation on narrow azimuth streamer data of the Santos Basin, Brazil: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 68, 1864-1877. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(226) Meles, G.A., Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2020, Data-driven retrieval of primary plane-wave responses: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 68, 1834-1846. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(225) Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and Treitel, S., 2020, Tutorial: unified 1D inversion of the acoustic reflection response: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 68, 1425-1442. pdf-file.

(224) Wapenaar, K., and van IJsseldijk, J., 2020, Discrete representations for Marchenko imaging of imperfectly sampled data: Geophysics, Vol. 85 (2), A1-A5. pdf-file.

(223) Wapenaar, K., 2020, Reciprocity and representation theorems for flux- and field-normalised decomposed wave fields: Advances in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2020, 9540135. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.


(222) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Virtual sources and receivers in the real Earth: Considerations for practical applications: Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 124, 11,802-11,821. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(221) Sripanich, Y., Vasconcelos, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Velocity-independent Marchenko focusing in time- and depth-imaging domains for media with mild lateral heterogeneity: Geophysics, Vol. 84 (6), Q57-Q72. pdf-file.

(220) Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2019, Data-driven internal multiple elimination and its consequences for imaging: A comparison of strategies: Geophysics, Vol. 84 (5), S365-S372. pdf-file. Bright spots column pdf-file. (Honorable mention for best paper in Geophysics, 2019)

(219) Wapenaar, K., and Reinicke, C., 2019, Unified wave field retrieval and imaging method for inhomogeneous non-reciprocal media: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 146 (1), 810-825. pdf-file. Copyright (2019) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. The article appeared in JASA and may be found at Also available on arXiv.

(218) Meles, G.A., van der Neut, J., van Dongen, K.W.A., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Wavefield finite time focusing with reduced spatial exposure: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 145 (6), 3521-3530. pdf-file. Copyright (2019) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. The article appeared in JASA and may be found at Also available on arXiv.

(217) Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2019, Transmission compensated primary reflection retrieval in the data domain and consequences for imaging: Geophysics, Vol. 84 (4), Q27-Q36. pdf-file.

(216) Reinicke, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Elastodynamic single-sided homogeneous Green's function representation: Theory and numerical examples: Wave Motion, Vol. 89, 245-264. pdf-file. Online paper html-link. Also available on arXiv.

(215) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Monitoring of induced distributed double-couple sources using Marchenko-based virtual receivers: Solid Earth, Vol. 10, 1301-1319. pdf-file. Online paper html-link.

(214) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., and Thorbecke, J., 2019, Green's theorem in seismic imaging across the scales: Solid Earth, Vol. 10, 517-536. pdf-file. Online paper html-link.

(213) Wapenaar, K., and Reinicke, C., 2019, An acoustic imaging method for layered non-reciprocal media: EPL (Europhysics Letters), Vol. 125, 34003. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(212) Almagro Vidal, C., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Reciprocity-based passive monitoring with individual sources: Geophysics, Vol. 84 (2), KS29-KS38. pdf-file.

(211) Wapenaar, K., 2019, Unified matrix-vector wave equation, reciprocity and representations: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 216, 560-583. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(210) Holicki, M., Drijkoningen, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Acoustic directional snapshot wavefield decomposition: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 67, 32-51. pdf-file. Online paper html-link.


(209) Staring, M., Pereira, R., Douma, H., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Source-receiver Marchenko redatuming on field data using an adaptive double-focusing method: Geophysics, Vol. 83 (6), S579-S590. pdf-file.

(208) Almagro Vidal, C., van der Neut, J., Verdel, A., Hartstra, I.E., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Passive body-wave interferometric imaging with directionally constrained migration: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 215, 1022-1036. pdf-file.

(207) Zhang, L., Slob, E., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Artifact-free reverse time migration: Geophysics, Vol. 83 (5), A65-A68. pdf-file.

(206) Wapenaar, K., and Staring, M., 2018, Marchenko-based target replacement, accounting for all orders of multiple reflections: J. Geoph. Res. - Solid Earth, Vol. 123, 4942-4964. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(205) Liu, Y., Arntsen, B., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Up- and downgoing borehole wavefield retrieval using single component borehole and reflection data: J. Appl. Geoph., Vol. 155, 256-264. pdf-file.

(204) Meles, G.A., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2018, Virtual plane-wave imaging via Marchenko redatuming: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 214, 508-519. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(203) Hartstra, I.E., Almagro Vidal, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Retrieval of elastodynamic reflections from passive double-couple recordings: J. Geoph. Res. - Solid Earth, Vol. 123, 3197-3207. pdf-file.

(202) Harmankaya, U., Kaslilar, A., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2018, Locating scatterers while drilling using noise records due to tunnel boring machine: J. Appl. Geoph., Vol. 152, 86-99. pdf-file.

(201) Van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Staring, M., Zhang, L., de Ridder, S., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Single- and double-sided Marchenko imaging conditions in acoustic media: IEEE Trans. Comp. Im., Vol. 4, 160-171. pdf-file.

(200) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., Slob, E., and Verschuur, E., 2018, Virtual acoustics in inhomogeneous media with single-sided access: Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, 2497. pdf-file. Movies: Fig1a, Fig1b, Fig1c, Fig1d, Fig3, Fig4. The paper can be accessed via the Scientific Reports webpage of Nature: html-link. Also available on arXiv.

(199) Cui, T., Vasconcelos, I., van Manen, D.-J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, A tour of Marchenko redatuming: Focusing the subsurface wavefield: The Leading Edge, Vol. 37 (1), 67a1-67a6. pdf-file.


(198) Wapenaar K., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2017, Review paper: Virtual sources and their responses, Part II: data-driven single-sided focusing: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 65, 1430-1451. pdf-file. Movies: Fig13, Fig14, Fig15. Online Abstract html-link.

(197) Wapenaar K., and Thorbecke, J., 2017, Review paper: Virtual sources and their responses, Part I: time-reversal acoustics and seismic interferometry: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 65, 1411-1429. pdf-file. Movies: Fig1, Fig3, Fig4. Online Abstract html-link.

(196) Weemstra, C., Wapenaar, K., and van Dalen, K.N., 2017, Reflecting boundary conditions for interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 142 (4), 2242-2257. pdf-file. Copyright (2017) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(195) Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., Brackenhoff, J., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Implementation of the Marchenko method: Geophysics, Vol. 82 (6), WB29-WB45. pdf-file.

(194) Liu, Y., Landro, M., Arntsen, B., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, A new approach to separate seismic time-lapse time shifts in the reservoir and overburden: Geophysics, Vol. 82 (6), Q67-Q78. pdf-file.

(193) Wapenaar, K., 2017, A single-sided representation for the homogeneous Green's function of a unified scalar wave equation: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 141 (6), 4466-4479. pdf-file. Copyright (2017) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(192) Van der Neut, J., Johnson, J.L., van Wijk, K., Singh, S., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, A Marchenko equation for acoustic inverse source problems: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 141 (6), 4332-4346. pdf-file. Copyright (2017) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(191) Hartstra, I.E., Almagro Vidal, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Full-field multidimensional deconvolution to retrieve body-wave reflections from sparse passive sources: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 210, 609-620. pdf-file.

(190) Ruigrok, E., Gibbons, S., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Cross-correlation beamforming: J. Seism., Vol. 21, 495-508. pdf-file.

(189) Evers, L.G., Wapenaar, K., Heaney, K.D., and Snellen, M., 2017, Deep ocean sound speed characteristics passively derived from the ambient acoustic noise field: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 210, 27-33. pdf-file.

(188) Weemstra, C., Draganov, D., Ruigrok, E.N., Hunziker, J., Gomez, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to ambient seismic noise recorded in Malargue, Argentina: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 208, 693-714. pdf-file.

(187) Singh, S., Snieder, R., van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Accounting for free-surface multiples in Marchenko imaging: Geophysics, Vol. 82 (1), R19-R30. pdf-file.

(186) Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., and Slob, E., 2017, On the role of multiples in Marchenko imaging: Geophysics, Vol. 82 (1), A1-A5. pdf-file.


(185) Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Adaptive overburden elimination with the multidimensional Marchenko equation: Geophysics, Vol. 81 (5), T265-T284. pdf-file.

(184) Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., and Slob, E., 2016, Unified double- and single-sided homogeneous Green's function representations: Proc. R. Soc. A, Vol. 472, 20160162. pdf-file.

(183) Nishitsuji, Y., Minato, S., Boullenger, B., Gomez, M., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2016, Crustal-scale reflection imaging and interpretation by passive seismic interferometry using local earthquakes: Interpretation, Vol. 4 (3), SJ29-SJ53. pdf-file.

(182) Nishitsuji, Y., Ruigrok, E., Gomez, M., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2016, Reflection imaging of aseismic zones of the Nazca slab by global-phase seismic interferometry: Interpretation, Vol. 4 (3), SJ1-SJ16. pdf-file.

(181) Nishitsuji, Y., Rowe, C., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2016, Reflection imaging of the Moon's deep interior using deep-moonquake seismic interferometry: J. Geoph. Res. - Planets, Vol. 121, 695-713. pdf-file.

(180) Meles, G.A., Wapenaar, K., and Curtis, A., 2016, Reconstructing the primary reflections in seismic data by Marchenko redatuming and convolutional interferometry: Geophysics, Vol. 81 (2), Q15-Q26. pdf-file.

(179) Liu, Y., van der Neut, J., Arntsen, B., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Combination of surface and borehole seismic data for robust target-oriented imaging: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 205, 758-775. pdf-file.

(178) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., and van der Neut, J., 2016, A single-sided homogeneous Green's function representation for holographic imaging, inverse scattering, time-reversal acoustics and interferometric Green's function retrieval: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 205, 531-535. pdf-file.

(177) Grobbe, N., van der Neut, J., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Almagro Vidal, C., and Drijkoningen, G., 2016, Unified multi-depth-level field decomposition: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 64, 361-391. pdf-file.

(176) Liu, Y., Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Arntsen, B., 2016, Retrieving virtual reflection responses at drill-bit positions using seismic interferometry with drill-bit noise: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 64, 348-360. pdf-file.


(175) Van der Neut, J., Vasconcelos, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, On Green's function retrieval by iterative substitution of the coupled Marchenko equations: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 203, 792-813. pdf-file.

(174) Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, Point-spread functions for interferometric imaging: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 63, 1033-1049. pdf-file. (Best paper award, Geophysical Prospecting, 2015)

(173) Singh, S., Snieder, R., Behura, J., Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2015, Marchenko imaging: Imaging with primaries, internal multiples, and free-surface multiples: Geophysics, Vol. 80 (5), S165-S174. pdf-file. Bright spots column pdf-file.

(172) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., and Vasconcelos, I., 2015, An illustration of adaptive Marchenko imaging: The Leading Edge, Vol. 34 (7), 818-822. pdf-file.

(171) Poletto, F., Farina, B., Bohm, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, Seismic interferometry by tangent-phase correction: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 63, 567-586. pdf-file.

(170) Van Dalen, K.N., Mikesell, T.D., Ruigrok, E.N., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, Retrieving surface waves from ambient seismic noise using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution: J. Geoph. Res. - Solid Earth, Vol. 120, 944-961. pdf-file.


(169) Wapenaar, K., 2014, Single-sided Marchenko focusing of compressional and shear waves: Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 90 (6), 063202. pdf-file.

(168) Kaslilar, A., Harmankaya, U., Van Wijk, K., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2014, Estimating location of scatterers using seismic interferometry of scattered Rayleigh waves: Near Surf. Geoph., Vol. 12, 721-730. pdf-file.

(167) Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2014, On the Marchenko equation for multicomponent single-sided reflection data: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 199, 1367-1371. pdf-file.

(166) Fricke, J.T., Evers, L.G., Smets, P.S.M., Wapenaar, K., and Simons, D.G., 2014, Infrasonic interferometry applied to microbaroms observed at the Large Aperture Infrasound Array in the Netherlands: J. Geoph. Res. - Atmospheres, Vol. 119, 9654-9665. pdf-file.

(165) Frank, J., Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Shear wave seismic interferometry for lithospheric imaging: Application to southern Mexico: J. Geoph. Res. - Solid Earth, Vol. 119, 5713-5726. pdf-file.

(164) Almagro Vidal, C., Draganov, D., Van der Neut, J., Drijkoningen, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Retrieval of reflections from ambient noise using illumination diagnosis: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 198, 1572-1584. pdf-file.

(163) Behura, J., Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2014, Autofocus imaging: Image reconstruction based on inverse scattering theory: Geophysics, Vol. 79 (3), A19-A26. pdf-file.

(162) Broggini, F., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Data-driven wave field focusing and imaging with multidimensional deconvolution: numerical examples for reflection data with internal multiples: Geophysics, Vol. 79 (3), WA107-WA115. pdf-file.

(161) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2014, Marchenko imaging: Geophysics, Vol. 79 (3), WA39-WA57. pdf-file. Bright spots column pdf-file.

(160) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2014, Green's function retrieval from reflection data, in absence of a receiver at the virtual source position: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 135 (5), 2847-2861. pdf-file. Copyright (2014) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(159) Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Broggini, F., and Snieder, R., 2014, Seismic reflector imaging using internal multiples with Marchenko-type equations: Geophysics, Vol. 79 (2), S63-S76. pdf-file.

(158) Broggini, F., Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., and Snieder, R., 2014, Data-driven Green's function retrieval and application to imaging with multidimensional deconvolution: J. Geoph. Res. - Solid Earth, Vol. 119, 425-441. pdf-file.

(157) Van Dalen, K., Wapenaar, K., and Halliday, D., 2014, Surface wave retrieval in layered media using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 196, 230-242. pdf-file.


(156) Kaslilar, A., Harmankaya, U., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2013, Estimating the location of a tunnel using correlation and inversion of Rayleigh wave scattering: Geoph. Res. Lett., Vol. 40, 6084-6088. pdf-file.

(155) Fricke, J.T., El Allouche, N., Simons, D.G., Ruigrok, E.N., Wapenaar, K., and Evers, L.G., 2013, Infrasonic interferometry of stratospherically refracted microbaroms - A numerical study: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 134 (4), 2660-2668. pdf-file. Copyright (2013) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(154) Draganov, D., Campman, X., Thorbecke, J., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, Seismic exploration-scale velocities and structure from ambient seismic noise (> 1 Hz): J. Geoph. Res. - Solid Earth, Vol. 118, 4345-4360. pdf-file.

(153) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Fan, Y., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, Electromagnetic interferometry in wavenumber and space domains in a layered earth: Geophysics, Vol. 78 (3), E137-E148. pdf-file.

(152) Harmankaya, U., Kaslilar, A., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2013, Locating near-surface scatterers using non-physical scattered waves resulting from seismic interferometry: J. Appl. Geoph., Vol. 91, 66-81. pdf-file.

(151) Wapenaar, K., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2013, Three-dimensional single-sided Marchenko inverse scattering, data-driven focusing, Green's function retrieval, and their mutual relations: Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 110 (8), 084301. pdf-file. Focus: A Better View Underground (Physics spotlight article) html-link.

(150) Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2013, On the retrieval of the directional scattering matrix from directional noise: SIAM J. Im. Sc., Vol. 6 (1), 322-340. pdf-file.


(149) Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Gomez, M., Ruzzante, J., Torres, D., Lopes Pumarega, I., Barbero, N., Ramires, A., Castano Ganan, A.R., Van Wijk, K., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Malargue seismic array: Design and deployment of the temporary array: European Phys. J. Plus, Vol. 127, 126. pdf-file.

(148) Ruigrok, E., Campman, X., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Basin delineation with a 40-hour passive seismic record: Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol. 102 (5), 2165-2176. pdf-file.

(147) Broggini, F., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Focusing the wavefield inside an unknown 1D medium: Beyond seismic interferometry: Geophysics, Vol. 77 (5), A25-A28. pdf-file.

(146) Wapenaar, K., Broggini, F., and Snieder, R., 2012, Creating a virtual source inside a medium from reflection data: heuristic derivation and stationary-phase analysis: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 190, 1020-1024. pdf-file.

(145) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Fan, Y., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Two-dimensional controlled-source electromagnetic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution: spatial sampling aspects: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 60, 974-994. pdf-file.

(144) Poletto, F., Bellezza, C., Wapenaar, K., and Craglietto, A., 2012, Virtual signals combination - phase analysis for 2D and 3D data representation (acoustic medium): Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 60, 838-854. pdf-file.

(143) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., and Thorbecke, J., 2012, On the relation between seismic interferometry and the simultaneous-source method: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 60, 802-823. pdf-file.

(142) Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Global-phase seismic interferometry unveils P-wave reflectivity below the Himalayas and Tibet: Geoph. Res. Lett., Vol. 39, L11303. pdf-file.

(141) Wapenaar, K., and Douma, H., 2012, A unified optical theorem for scalar and vectorial wave fields: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 131 (5), 3611-3626. pdf-file. Copyright (2012) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(140) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., and Thorbecke, J., 2012, Deblending by direct inversion: Geophysics, Vol. 77 (3), A9-A12. pdf-file. Bright spots column pdf-file.

(139) Halliday, D., Curtis, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Generalized PP+PS=SS from seismic interferometry: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 189, 1015-1024. pdf-file.

(138) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Green's function extraction for interfaces with impedance boundary conditions: IEEE Trans. Antennas and Prop., Vol. 60, 351-359. pdf-file.


(137) Ruigrok, E., Campman, X., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Extraction of P-wave reflections from microseisms: Comptes Rend. Geosc., Vol. 343, 512-525. pdf-file.

(136) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., Drijkoningen, G., and Slob, E., 2011, Seismic imaging without a source: Europ. Sc. & Techn., Vol. 11, 282-283. pdf-file. High-resolution page proof pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).

(135) Van der Neut, J., Tatanova, M., Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Deghosting, demultiple and deblurring in controlled-source seismic interferometry: Int. J. Geoph., Vol. 2011, 870819. pdf-file.

(134) Van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Mehta, K., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Controlled-source interferometric redatuming by crosscorrelation and multidimensional deconvolution in elastic media: Geophysics, Vol. 76 (4), SA63-SA76. pdf-file.

(133) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Fan, Y., and Snieder, R., 2011, Time-lapse controlled-source electromagnetics using interferometry: The Leading Edge, Vol. 30 (5), 564-567. pdf-file.

(132) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Thorbecke, J., and Snieder, R., 2011, Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 185, 1335-1364. pdf-file.

(131) Wapenaar, K., Ruigrok, E., Van der Neut, J., and Draganov, D., 2011, Improved surface-wave retrieval from ambient seismic noise by multi-dimensional deconvolution: Geoph. Res. Lett., Vol. 38, L01313. pdf-file.

(130) Minato, S., Matsuoka, T., Tsuji, T., Draganov, D., Hunziker, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Seismic interferometry using multidimensional deconvolution and crosscorrelation for crosswell seismic reflection data without borehole sources: Geophysics, Vol. 76 (1), SA19-SA34. pdf-file.


(129) Tetyukhina, D., Van Vliet, L.J., Luthi, S.M., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, High-resolution reservoir characterization by an acoustic impedance inversion of a Tertiary deltaic clinoform system in the North Sea: Geophysics, Vol. 75, O57-O67. pdf-file.

(128) Wapenaar, K., and Van der Neut, J., 2010, A representation for Green's function retrieval by multidimensional deconvolution: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 128 (6), EL366-EL371. pdf-file. Copyright (2010) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(127) Snieder, R., Fan, Y., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Equipartitioning is not sufficient for Green's function extraction: Earthquake Sc., Vol. 23, 403-415. pdf-file.

(126) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., Snieder, R., and Curtis, A., 2010, Tutorial on seismic interferometry: Part 2 - Underlying theory and new advances: Geophysics, Vol. 75, 75A211-75A227. pdf-file.

(125) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., Snieder, R., Campman, X., and Verdel, A., 2010, Tutorial on seismic interferometry: Part 1 - Basic principles and applications: Geophysics, Vol. 75, 75A195-75A209. pdf-file.

(124) Treitel, S., Wapenaar, K., Robinson, E., and Grechka, V., 2010, Introduction to the 75th Anniversary Special Section: Geophysics, Vol. 75, 75A1-75A2. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed). Bright spots column pdf-file.

(123) Ruigrok, E., Campman, X., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, High-resolution lithospheric imaging with seismic interferometry: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 183, 339-357. pdf-file.

(122) Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Imaging with ambient noise: Physics Today, Vol. 63 (9), 44-49. pdf-file. Copyright (2010) American Institute Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.

(121) Frijlink, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Reciprocity theorems for one-way wave fields in curvilinear coordinate systems: SIAM J. Im. Sc., Vol. 3 (3), 390-415. pdf-file.

(120) Snieder, R., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Lagrangian Green's function extraction, with applications to potential fields, diffusion, and acoustic waves: New J. Phys., Vol. 12, 063013. pdf-file.

(119) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2010, On seismic interferometry, the generalized optical theorem, and the scattering matrix of a point scatterer: Geophysics, Vol. 75, SA27-SA35. pdf-file.

(118) Draganov, D., Ghose, R., Ruigrok, E., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Seismic interferometry, intrinsic losses and Q-estimation: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 58, 361-373. pdf-file.

(117) Toxopeus, G., Thorbecke, J., Petersen, S., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2010, Simulating migrated seismic data by filtering an earth model: A MATLAB implementation: Comp. & Geosc., Vol. 36, 195-204. pdf-file.


(116) Draganov, D., Campman, X., Thorbecke, J., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Reflection images from ambient seismic noise: Geophysics, Vol. 74, A63-A67. pdf-file.

(115) Van der Burg, D., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Ray-based stochastic inversion of prestack seismic data for improved reservoir characterization: Geophysics, Vol. 74, R85-R97. pdf-file. Bright spots column pdf-file.

(114) De Ridder, S.A.L., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Interferometric seismoelectric Green's function representations: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 178, 1289-1304. pdf-file.

(113) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Retrieving the Green's function from cross correlation in a bianisotropic medium: Progr. Electrom. Res., PIER, Vol. 93, 255-274. pdf-file.

(112) Snieder, R., Sanchez-Sesma, F.J., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Field fluctuations, imaging with backscattered waves, a generalized energy theorem, and the optical theorem: SIAM J. Im. Sc., Vol. 2 (2), 763-776. pdf-file.

(111) Snieder, R., Miyazawa, M., Slob, E., Vasconcelos, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, A comparison of strategies for seismic interferometry: Surv. Geoph., Vol. 30, 503-523. pdf-file. (This paper is reproduced in the following book: Arrays and array methods in global seismology, Ed. Y.J. Gu, pp. 235-255, Springer, Dordrecht (2010)).

(110) Wapenaar, K., 2009, Book review of 'A Breviary of Seismic Tomography: Imaging the Interior of the Earth and the Sun' by Guust Nolet: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 126 (4), 2129-2130. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).

(109) Poletto, F., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Virtual reflector representation theorem (acoustic medium): J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125 (4), EL111-EL116. pdf-file.


(108) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., and Ruigrok, E., 2008, Passive seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution: Geophysics, Vol. 73, A51-A56. pdf-file.

(107) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Practical representations of electromagnetic interferometry for GPR applications: a tutorial: Near Surf. Geoph., Vol. 6, 391-402. pdf-file.

(106) Toxopeus, G., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., Petersen, S., Slob, E., and Fokkema, J., 2008, Simulating migrated and inverted seismic data by filtering a geologic model: Geophysics, Vol. 73, T1-T10. pdf-file. Bright spots column pdf-file.

(105) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2008, Seismic and electromagnetic controlled-source interferometry in dissipative media: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 56, 419-434. pdf-file.

(104) Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Global-scale seismic interferometry: theory and numerical examples: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 56, 395-417. pdf-file.

(103) Van der Neut, J., Sen, M.K., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Seismic reflection coefficients of faults at low frequencies: a model study: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 56, 287-292. pdf-file.

(102) Campman, X., Virieux, J., Wapenaar, K., and Jakubowicz, H., 2008, Introduction to the special issue: What can E&P learn from seismology and Vice Versa, Part II: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 56, 453-454. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).

(101) Campman, X., Virieux, J., Wapenaar, K., and Jakubowicz, H., 2008, Introduction to the special issue: What can E&P learn from seismology and Vice Versa, Part I: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 56, 283-284. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).

(100) Poot, H., Wapenaar, K., and Fokkema, J., 2008, Slicing the earth: A layer-stripping method employing a causality based imaging condition: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 17, 19-51. pdf-file.


(99) Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, On the relation between seismic interferometry and the migration resolution function: Geophysics, Vol. 72, T61-T66. pdf-file.

(98) Wapenaar, K., 2007, General representations for wavefield modeling and inversion in geophysics: Geophysics, Vol. 72, SM5-SM17. pdf-file.

(97) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., and Nishizawa, O., 2007, Retrieving reflection responses by crosscorrelating transmission responses from deterministic transient sources: Application to ultrasonic data: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122 (5), EL172-EL178. pdf-file.

(96) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, GPR without a source: Cross-correlation and cross-convolution methods: IEEE Trans. Geosc. R. Sens., Vol. 45 (8) 2501-2510. pdf-file.

(95) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, Electromagnetic Green's functions retrieval by cross-correlation and cross-convolution in media with losses: Geoph. Res. Lett., Vol. 34, L05307. pdf-file.

(94) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., Mulder, W., Singer, J., and Verdel, A., 2007, Retrieval of reflections from seismic background-noise measurements: Geoph. Res. Lett., Vol. 34, L04305. pdf-file.

(93) Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2007, Chaos tamed: Nature, Vol. 447, 643. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).

(92) Snieder, R., Wapenaar, K., and Wegler, U., 2007, Unified Green's function retrieval by cross-correlation; connection with energy principles: Phys. Rev. E., Vol. 75 (3), 036103. pdf-file.

(91) Slob, E., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, Interferometric electromagnetic Green's functions representations using propagation invariants: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 169, 60-80. pdf-file.

(90) Snieder, R., Hubbard, S., Haney, M., Bawden, G., Hatchell, P., Revil, A., and DOE Geophysical Monitoring Working Group (Calvert, R., Curtis, A., Fehler, M., Gerstoft, P., Hornby, B., Landro, M., Lesmes, D., Mehta, K., Mooney, M., Pacheco, C., Prejean, S., Sato, H., Schuster, J., Wapenaar, K., and Wilt, M.), 2007, Advanced noninvasive geophysical monitoring techniques: Ann. Rev. Earth and Plan. Sc., Vol. 35, 653-683. pdf-file.


(89) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2006, Unified Green's function retrieval by cross correlation: Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 97 (23), 234301. pdf-file.

(88) Wapenaar, K., 2006, Nonreciprocal Green's function retrieval by cross-correlation: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 120 (1), EL7-EL13. pdf-file.

(87) Curtis, A., Gerstoft, P., Sato, H., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, Seismic interferometry - turning noise into signal: The Leading Edge, Vol. 25 (9), 1082-1092. pdf-file. (Honorable mention for best paper in The Leading Edge, 2006)

(86) Snieder, R., Wapenaar, K., and Larner, K., 2006, Spurious multiples in seismic interferometry of primaries: Geophysics, Vol. 71, SI111-SI124. pdf-file.

(85) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2006, Seismic interferometry: reconstructing the earth's reflection response: Geophysics, Vol. 71, SI61-SI70. pdf-file.

(84) Wapenaar, K., and Fokkema, J., 2006, Green's function representations for seismic interferometry: Geophysics, Vol. 71, SI33-SI46. pdf-file. (Best paper award, Geophysics, 2006). (Most cited paper in Geophysics 2005-2010 pdf-file).

(83) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., and Robertsson, J.O.A., 2006, Introduction to the supplement on seismic interferometry: Geophysics, Vol. 71, SI1-SI4. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed). Bright spots column pdf-file.

(82) Wapenaar, K., 2006, Green's function retrieval by cross-correlation in case of one-sided illumination: Geoph. Res. Lett., Vol. 33, L19304. pdf-file.

(81) Zhang, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, High-resolution depth imaging with sparseness-constrained inversion: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 54, 49-62. pdf-file.


(80) Wapenaar, K., Fokkema, J., and Snieder, R., 2005, Retrieving the Green's function in an open system by cross-correlation: a comparison of approaches (L): J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118 (5), 2783-2786. pdf-file.

(79) Wapenaar, K., Ghose, R., Toxopeus, G., and Fokkema, J., 2005, The wavelet transform as a tool for geophysical data integration: Integr. Computer-Aided Eng., Vol. 12 (1) 5-23. pdf-file.

(78) Dillen, M.W.P., Fokkema, J.T., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2005, Recovering acoustic reflectivity using Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps and left- and right-operating adjoint propagators: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 163, 106-125. pdf-file.


(77) Wapenaar, K., 2004, Retrieving the elastodynamic Green's function of an arbitrary inhomogeneous medium by cross correlation: Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 93 (25), 254301. pdf-file.

(76) Draganov, D, Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2004, Passive seismic imaging in the presence of white noise sources: The Leading Edge, Vol. 23 (9), 889-892. pdf-file.

(75) Thorbecke, J.W., Wapenaar, K., and Swinnen, G., 2004, Design of one-way wavefield extrapolation operators, using smooth functions in WLSQ optimization: Geophysics, Vol. 69, 1037-1045. pdf-file.

(74) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., and Fokkema, J., 2004, Reciprocity and power balance for piecewise continuous media with imperfect interfaces: J. Geoph. Res. - Solid Earth, Vol. 109, B10301. pdf-file.

(73) Wapenaar, K., and Fokkema, J., 2004, Reciprocity theorems for diffusion, flow and waves: A.S.M.E. J. Appl. Mech., Vol. 71, 145-150. pdf-file. Update 2010 pdf-file.

(72) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., and Draganov, D., 2004, Relations between reflection and transmission responses of three-dimensional inhomogeneous media: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 156, 179-194. pdf-file. (Listed on: 100 influential papers from Geophysical Journal International)


(71) Wapenaar, K., 2003, Synthesis of an inhomogeneous medium from its acoustic transmission response: Geophysics, Vol. 68, 1756-1759. pdf-file.

(70) Van der Kruk, J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., Fokkema, J.T., and Van den Berg, P.M., 2003, Three-dimensional imaging of multicomponent ground-penetrating radar data: Geophysics, Vol. 68, 1241-1254. pdf-file.

(69) Schalkwijk, K.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Verschuur, D.J., 2003, Adaptive decomposition of multicomponent ocean-bottom seismic data into downgoing and upgoing P- and S-waves: Geophysics, Vol. 68, 1091-1102. pdf-file.

(68) Wapenaar, K., 2003, Reciprocity theorems for seismoelectric waves: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 12, 103-112. pdf-file.

(67) Zhang, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2003, Wave field extrapolation and AVA migration in highly discontinuous media: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 155, 327-339. pdf-file.

(66) Van Zanen, L.F., Wapenaar, C.P.A., Drijkoningen, G.G., and Fokkema, J.T., 2003, Love wave suppression without prior structural information: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 154, 867-876. pdf-file.

(65) Wapenaar, K., Dillen, M., and Fokkema, J., 2003, Reciprocity theorems for electromagnetic one-way wave fields in 2-D inhomogeneous media: Subs. Sens. Techn. Appl., Vol. 4, 101-115. pdf-file.

(64) Van der Kruk, J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., Fokkema, J.T., and Van den Berg, P.M., 2003, Improved three-dimensional image reconstruction technique for multi-component ground penetrating radar data: Subs. Sens. Techn. Appl., Vol. 4, 61-99. pdf-file.


(63) Ferreira, M.S., Bauer, G.E.W., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2002, Recursive Green functions technique applied to the propagation of elastic waves in layered media: Ultrasonics, Vol. 40, 355-359. pdf-file.

(62) Mercerat, E.D., Wapenaar, K., Fokkema, J., and Dillen, M., 2002, Scaling behaviour of the acoustic transmission response of Rotliegend sandstone under varying ambient stress: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 11, 137-158. pdf-file.

(61) Dillen, M.W.P., Fokkema, J.T., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2002, Recursive elimination of temporal contrasts between time-lapse acoustic wave fields: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 11, 41-58. pdf-file.

(60) Fokkema, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2002, Integration between 4D and reservoir fluid flow properties (introduction to special issue): J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 11, 1-4. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).

(59) Zhang, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2002, Wave field extrapolation and prestack depth migration in anelastic inhomogeneous media: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 50, 629-643. pdf-file.

(58) Denneman, A.I.M., Drijkoningen, G.G., Smeulders, D.M.J., and Wapenaar, K., 2002, Reflection and transmission of waves at a fluid/porous-medium interface: Geophysics, Vol. 67, 282-291. pdf-file.


(57) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Dillen, M.W.P., and Fokkema, J.T., 2001, Reciprocity theorems for electromagnetic or acoustic one-way wave fields in dissipative inhomogeneous media: Radio Sc., Vol. 36 (5), 851-863. pdf-file.

(56) Wapenaar, K., Dillen, M., and Fokkema, J., 2001, Applying one-way reciprocity theorems in time-lapse seismic imaging: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 10, 165-181. pdf-file.

(55) Goudswaard, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2001, Scale and angle dependent reflection properties of self-similar interfaces: J. Comp. Acoust., Vol. 9 (3), 1015-1023. pdf-file.

(54) Wapenaar, K., and Fokkema, J., 2001, Reciprocity violated?: The Leading Edge, Vol. 20 (9), 1073. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).

(53) Bauer, G.E.W., Ferreira, M.S., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2001, Dynamics of classical wave scattering by small obstacles: Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 87 (11), 113902. pdf-file. Also available on arXiv.

(52) Zhang, J., Verschuur, D.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2001, Depth migration of shot records in heterogeneous, transversely isotropic media using optimum explicit operators: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 49, 287-299. pdf-file.


(51) Janssen, C.R.M., De Korte, C.L., Van der Heiden, M.S., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Van der Steen, A.F.W., 2000, Angle matching in intravascular elastography: Ultrasonics, Vol. 38, 417-423. pdf-file.


(50) Wapenaar, K., Goudswaard, J., and Van Wijngaarden, A.J., 1999, Multi-angle, multi-scale inversion of migrated seismic data: The Leading Edge, Vol. 18 (8), 928-932. pdf-file.

(49) Wapenaar, K., Van Wijngaarden, A.J., Van Geloven, W., and Van der Leij, T., 1999, Apparent AVA effects of fine-layering: Geophysics, Vol. 64, 1939-1948. pdf-file.

(48) Wapenaar, K., 1999, Amplitude-variation-with-angle behavior of self-similar interfaces: Geophysics, Vol. 64, 1928-1938. pdf-file.

(47) Schalkwijk, K.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Verschuur, D.J., 1999, Application of two-step decomposition to multicomponent ocean-bottom data: theory and case study: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 8, 261-278. pdf-file.

(46) Fokkema, J., and Wapenaar, K., 1999, Book review of 'Theoretical Global Seismology' by F.A. Dahlen and Jeroen Tromp: J. Appl. Geoph., Vol. 42, 67-69. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).


(45) Wapenaar, K., 1998, Reciprocity properties of one-way propagators: Geophysics, Vol. 63, 1795-1798. pdf-file.

(44) Grimbergen, J.L.T., Dessing, F.J., and Wapenaar, K., 1998, Modal expansion of one-way operators in laterally varying media: Geophysics, Vol. 63, 995-1005. pdf-file.

(43) Wapenaar, K., 1998, Seismic reflection and transmission coefficients of a self-similar interface: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 135, 585-594. pdf-file.


(42) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1997, 3-D migration of cross-spread data: resolution and amplitude aspects: Geophysics, Vol. 62, 1220-1225. pdf-file.

(41) Wapenaar, K., Van Geloven, W., Goudswaard, J., Van Wijngaarden, A.J., and Dessing, F., 1997, AVA migration and multiscale characterization in finely layered media: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 6, 181-198. pdf-file.

(40) Wapenaar, K., 1997, On: ''Green's function implementation of common-offset wave equation migration,'' by Andreas Ehinger, Patrick Lailly and Kurt J. Marfurt (November-December 1996, Geophysics, 61, p. 1813-1821): Geophysics, Vol. 62, 1333-1335. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).


(39) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1996, Reciprocity theorems for two-way and one-way wave vectors: a comparison: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 100 (6), 3508-3518. pdf-file.

(38) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1996, Inversion versus migration: a new perspective to an old discussion: Geophysics, Vol. 61, 804-814. pdf-file.

(37) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Herrmann, F.J., 1996, True amplitude migration taking fine-layering into account: Geophysics, Vol. 61, 795-803. pdf-file.

(36) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1996, One-way representations of seismic data: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 127, 178-188. pdf-file.

(35) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Grimbergen, J.L.T., 1996, Reciprocity theorems for one-way wave fields: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 127, 169-177. pdf-file.


(34) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Slot, R.E., and Herrmann, F.J., 1994, Towards an extended macro model, that takes fine-layering into account: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 3, 245-260. pdf-file.

(33) Ala'i, R., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1994, Pseudo VSP generation from surface measurements: A new tool for seismic interpretation: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 3, 79-94. pdf-file.


(32) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1993, A unified approach to acoustical reflection imaging. Part III: Extension to the elastic situation: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 93 (4), 2024-2034. pdf-file.

(31) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1993, A unified approach to acoustical reflection imaging. Part II: The inverse problem: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 93 (4), 2017-2023. pdf-file.

(30) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1993, Representations of seimic reflection data. Part II: new developments: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 2, 247-255. pdf-file.

(29) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1993, Representations of seismic reflection data. Part I: state of affairs: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 2, 123-131. pdf-file.

(28) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1993, Kirchhoff-Helmholtz downward extrapolation in a layered medium with curved interfaces: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 115, 445-455. pdf-file.


(27) Rietveld, W.E.A., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Optimum seismic illumination of hydrocarbon reservoirs: Geophysics, Vol. 57, 1334-1345. pdf-file.

(26) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Verschuur, D.J., and Herrmann, P., 1992, Amplitude preprocessing of single- and multicomponent seismic data: Geophysics, Vol. 57, 1178-1188. pdf-file.

(25) Verschuur, D.J., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Adaptive surface-related multiple elimination: Geophysics, Vol. 57, 1166-1177. pdf-file.

(24) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Cox, H.L.H., and Berkhout, A.J., 1992, Elastic redatuming of multicomponent seismic data: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 40, 465-482. pdf-file.

(23) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, The infinite aperture paradox: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 1, 325-336. pdf-file.

(22) Herrmann, P., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Wave-type separation in the space-frequency domain applied to VSP data: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 1, 161-172. pdf-file.

(21) Cox, H.L.H., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Macro model estimation by common offset migration or by shot record migration?: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 1, 29-37. pdf-file.

(20) Nijs, L., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Reply to: 'Comments on the influence of wind and temperature gradients on sound propagation calculated with the two-way wave equation' [J. Acoust.Soc.Am.Vol. 91,498-500(1992)]: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 91 (1), 501-504. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).


(19) Nijs, L., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1990, The influence of wind and temperature gradients on sound propagation, calculated with the two-way wave equation: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 87 (5), 1987-1998. pdf-file.

(18) De Bruin, C.G.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1990, Angle-dependent reflectivity by means of prestack migration: Geophysics, Vol. 55, 1223-1234. pdf-file.

(17) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1990, Representation of seismic sources in the one-way wave equations: Geophysics, Vol. 55, 786-790. pdf-file.

(16) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Herrmann, P., Verschuur, D.J., and Berkhout, A.J., 1990, Decomposition of multi-component seismic data into primary P- and S-wave responses: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 38, 633-661. pdf-file.

(15) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1990, DELPHI: Delft philosophy on acoustic and elastic inversion, part II: The Leading Edge, Vol. 9 (3), 53-59. pdf-file.

(14) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1990, DELPHI: Delft philosophy on acoustic and elastic inversion, part I: The Leading Edge, Vol. 9 (2), 30-33. pdf-file.

(13) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Haime, G.C., 1990, Elastic extrapolation of seismic P- and S-waves: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 38, 23-60. pdf-file.

(12) Kinneging, N.A., Budejicky, V., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1990, Reply to comment by Stewart A. Levin and Stan Y.C. Lee: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 38, 575-576. pdf-file. (non peer-reviewed).


(11) Kinneging, N.A., Budejicky, V, Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Efficient 2-D and 3-D shot record redatuming: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 37, 493-530. pdf-file.

(10) Blacquiere, G., Debeye, H.W.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, 3-D table driven migration: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 37, 925-958. pdf-file.

(9) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Peels, G.L., Budejicky, V., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Inverse extrapolation of primary seismic waves: Geophysics, Vol. 54, 853-863. pdf-file.

(8) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1989, One-way versions of the Kirchhoff integral: Geophysics, Vol. 54, 460-467. pdf-file.


(7) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1987, Three-dimensional target-oriented pre-stack migration: First Break, Vol. 5, 217-227. pdf-file.

(6) Harwijanto, J.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1987, VSP migration by single shot record inversion: First Break, Vol. 5, 247-255. pdf-file.

(5) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Kinneging, N.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1987, Principle of pre-stack migration based on the full elastic two-way wave equation: Geophysics, Vol. 52, 151-173. pdf-file.


(4) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1986, Wavefield extrapolation techniques for inhomogeneous media which include critical angle events. Part III: Applications in modeling, migration and inversion: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 34, 180-207. pdf-file.

(3) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1986, Wavefield extrapolation techniques for inhomogeneous media which include critical angle events. Part II: Methods using the two-way wave equation: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 34, 147-179. pdf-file.


(2) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1985, Wavefield extrapolation techniques for inhomogeneous media which include critical angle events. Part I: Methods using the one-way wave equations: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 33, 1138-1159. pdf-file.

(1) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1985, Velocity determination in layered systems with arbitrarily curved interfaces by means of wavefield extrapolation of CMP data: Geophysics, Vol. 50, 63-76. pdf-file.

Top of page


(3) The Editors of Geophysics (Treitel, S., Wapenaar, K., Sacchi, M., and Grechka, V.), 2010, Geophysics Today: A survey of the field as the journal celebrates its 75th anniversary: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Geophysical References Series No. 16, ISBN 978-1-56080-226-6. pdf-file.

(2) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., and Robertsson, J., (Editors) 2008, Seismic interferometry: History and present status: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Geophysics Reprint Series No. 26, ISBN 978-1-56080-150-4. pdf-file.

(1) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Elastic wave field extrapolation: Redatuming of single- and multi-component seismic data: Elsevier Science Publ. Co., Inc., XVI + 468 p, ISBN 0-444-88472-6. pdf-file.

Top of page

Special issues

(5) The Editors of Geophysics (Treitel, S., Wapenaar, K., Robinson, E., and Grechka, V.), 2010, Introduction to the 75th Anniversary Special Section: Geophysics, Vol. 75, 75A1-75A2. Introduction / Table of contents / Weblink / Bright spots column.

(4) Campman, X., Virieux, J., Wapenaar, K., and Jakubowicz, H., 2008, What can E&P learn from seismology and vice versa? Part II: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 56, 453-612. Introduction / Table of contents

(3) Campman, X., Virieux, J., Wapenaar, K., and Jakubowicz, H., 2008, What can E&P learn from seismology and vice versa? Part I: Geoph. Prosp., Vol. 56, 283-451. Introduction / Table of contents

(2) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., and Robertsson, J.O.A., 2006, Seismic interferometry: Geophysics, Vol. 71, SI1-SI235. Introduction / Table of contents / Weblink / Bright spots column.

(1) Fokkema, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2002, Integrated 4D seismics: J. Seism. Expl., Vol. 11, 1-195. Introduction / Table of contents

Top of page

Conference Proceedings and Abstracts


(593) Wapenaar, K., and van IJsseldijk, J., 2024, Coda-wave interferometry and time-lapse seismic reservoir monitoring, 85th annual EAGE meeting, Oslo, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(592) Shirmohammadi, F., Draganov, D., van IJsseldijk, J., Ghose, R., Thorbecke, J., Verschuur, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2024, Application of Marchenko-based isolation to a land seismic dataset, 85th annual EAGE meeting, Oslo, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(591) Wapenaar, K., 2024, The Marchenko method for imaging, multiple elimination and monitoring (keynote address), First EAGE Data Processing Workshop, Cairo, pdf-file.


(590) Wapenaar, K., and van IJsseldijk, J., 2023, Marchenko-based isolation of the seismic response of a target-zone (keynote address), SEG/KOC Workshop: Advances in Land & Shallow Marine Multiple Attenuation and Imaging, Kuwait pdf-file.

(589) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., de Ridder, S., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2023, On Green's functions, propagator matrices, focusing functions and their mutual relations, 84th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(588) Wapenaar, K., and Brackenhoff, J., 2023, Pushing the limits of the Marchenko method, EGU, General Assembly 2023, Vienna, pdf-file.


(587) Wapenaar, K., de Ridder, S., Dukalski, M., and Reinicke, C., 2022, The propagator and transfer matrix for a 3D inhomogeneous dissipative acoustic medium, expressed in Marchenko focusing functions, Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, Houston, 3141-3145, pdf-file.

(586) Dukalski, M., Reinicke, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, Towards understanding the impact of the evanescent elastodynamic mode coupling in Marchenko equation based de-multiple methods, Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, Houston, 2827-2831, pdf-file.

(585) Thorbecke, J., Zhang, L., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2022, Algorithm and implementation optimisation of a new internal multiple removal method, The PASC22 Conference, 2022, Basel, pdf-file.

(584) Meles, G., Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, Acoustic plane-wave Marchenko multiple elimination applied on complex marine data, 83rd annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(583) Dukalski, M., Reinicke, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, Implications of evanescent waves for the Marchenko method through the lens of the transfer-scattering matrix relation, 83rd annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(582) Van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Meles, G., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, Elastodynamic Marchenko Green's function retrieval from two-sided reflection and transmission data, 83rd annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(581) Shoja, S.M.A., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, Reducing the overburden-related artifacts in target-oriented least-squares migration by Marchenko double-focusing, 83rd annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(580) Wapenaar, K., and van IJsseldijk, J., 2022, The Marchenko method and its application to time-lapse monitoring, SEG/ADNOC Workshop: Multiple Approaches to Time-Lapse Monitoring for Carbonate Reservoirs, Abu Dhabi (2 pages), pdf-file.

(579) Shirmohammadi, F., Draganov, D., Ras, P., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, Layer-specific imaging and monitoring in the Groningen subsurface using seismic interferometry, EGU, General Assembly 2022, Vienna, pdf-file.

(578) Al Hasani, M., Drijkoningen, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, On the multi-component information of DAS for near-surface seismic: A pilot field experiment in the Groningen area, EGU, General Assembly 2022, Vienna, pdf-file.


(577) Van IJsseldijk, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Discerning small time-lapse traveltime changes by isolating the seismic response of a reservoir using the Marchenko method, First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, Denver, 3449-3453, pdf-file.

(576) Kiraz, M.S.R., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Marchenko without up/down decomposition on the Marmousi model and retrieval of the refracted waves: Are they caused by the Marchenko algorithm?, First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, Denver, 3280-3284, pdf-file.

(575) Wapenaar, K., Snieder, R., de Ridder, S., and Slob, E., 2021, Do we need up/down decomposition for Marchenko imaging?, First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, Denver, 3275-3279, pdf-file.

(574) Van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Meles, G., Zhang, L., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, On the benefits of auxiliary transmission data for Marchenko-based Green's function retrieval, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(573) Almobarak, M., van IJsseldijk, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Plane-wave Marchenko imaging method: Field data application, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(572) Wapenaar, K., and van IJsseldijk, J., 2021, Employing internal multiples in time-lapse seismic monitoring, using the Marchenko method, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(571) Meles, G.A., Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2021, Synthesis of multiple-free plane-wave responses, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(570) Shoja, S.M.A., Meles, G.A., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, A proposal for Marchenko-based target-oriented full waveform inversion, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(569) Van IJsseldijk, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Correcting for imperfectly sampled data in the iterative Marchenko scheme, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(568) Wapenaar, K., Staring, M., Brackenhoff, J., Zhang, L., Thorbecke, and Slob, E., 2021, An overview of Marchenko methods, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Internal multiple removal - status, challenges and road ahead (2 pages), pdf-file.

(567) Staring, M., Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J, and Wapenaar, K., 2021, A new role for adaptive filters in Marchenko equation-based methods for the attenuation of internal multiples, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Internal multiple removal - status, challenges and road ahead (2 pages), pdf-file.

(566) Brackenhoff, J., van IJsseldijk, J., , and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Data-driven internal multiple elimination applications using imperfectly sampled reflection data, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Internal multiple removal - status, challenges and road ahead (2 pages), pdf-file.

(565) Meles, G.A., Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J, Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2021, Marchenko multiple elimination: from point-source to plane-wave datasets applications, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Internal multiple removal - status, challenges and road ahead (2 pages), pdf-file.

(564) Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Elastodynamic Marchenko method: advances and remaining challenges, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Internal multiple removal - status, challenges and road ahead (2 pages), pdf-file.

(563) Alfaraj, H., Brackenhoff, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Obtaining angle-dependent reflectivity using the Marchenko redatuming method, 82nd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Internal multiple removal - status, challenges and road ahead (2 pages), pdf-file.

(562) Pijnenburg, R., Laumann, S., Wessels, R., ter Maat, G., Armstrong, L., Bienkowski, J., Sleeman, R., Vardon, P., Bruhn, D., Barnhoorn, A., Niemeijer, A., Plumper, O., Willingshofer, E., Wapenaar, K., Trampert, J., and Drury, M., 2021, The Dutch research infrastructure EPOS-NL: Access to Earth scientific research facilities and data, EGU, General Assembly 2021, Virtual, pdf-file.

(561) Shirmohammadi, F., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Monitoring changes in the Groningen subsurface using non-physical arrivals in seismic interferometry, Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Virtual, Nederland, pdf-file.

(560) Brackenhoff, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Getting to the target with Marchenko-based virtual sources and receivers, Seismological Society of America, Virtual workshop: Cutting-edge methods and applications in seismic tomography, pdf-file.

(559) Pijnenburg, R., Laumann, S., Wessels, R., ter Maat, G., Armstrong, L., Bienkowski, J., Sleeman, R., Vardon, P., Bruhn, D., Barnhoorn, A., Niemeijer, A., Plumper, O., Willingshofer, E., Spiers., Wapenaar, K., Trampert, J., and Drury, M., 2021, EPOS-NL is the Dutch solid Earth science infrastructure for research on georesources and geohazards, First EAGE Workshop on Induced Seismicity, Virtual, pdf-file.


(558) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, Subsurface monitoring using virtual sources and receivers (invited), American Geophysical Union, 2020 Fall Meeting, On-line, S066-08, pdf-file.

(557) Kiraz, M.S.R., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, Marchenko focusing without up/down decomposition, 90th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 3593-3597, pdf-file.

(556) Wapenaar, K., and van IJsseldijk, J., 2020, Coda-wave interferometry and the Marchenko method, EGU, General Assembly 2020, Vienna, pdf-file.

(555) Meles, G.A., Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2020, Data-driven synthesis of primary plane-wave responses, EGU, General Assembly 2020, Vienna, pdf-file.

(554) Vardon, P.J., Bruhn, D.F., Steiginga, A., Cox, B., Abels, H., Barnhoorn, A., Drijkoningen, G., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, A geothermal well doublet for research and heat supply of the TU Delft campus, Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020, Reykjavik, Iceland, April 26 - May 2, 2020 (postponed until 2021) arXiv, International Geothermal Association

(553) Marzujriban, L. O., Weemstra, K., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, Localizing hypocenters of induced earthquakes using a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo scheme, 16de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Nederland, pdf-file.

(552) Shirmohammadi, F., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, Monitoring changes inside subsurface layers using non-physical reflections retrieved from seismic interferometry, 16de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Nederland, pdf-file.

(551) Drury, M.R., Wessels, R., Willingshofer, E., Lange, O., Wapenaar, K., Bruhn, D., Dahlman, A., Vardon, P., Sleeman, R., and Dost, B., 2020, EPOS-NL: Dutch participation to the European Research Infrastructure for solid Earth sciences (EPOS), 16de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Nederland, pdf-file.

(550) Veltmeijer, A., Naderloo, M., Barnhoorn, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, Early detection of stress changes and failure using acoustic measurements, 16de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Nederland, pdf-file.


(549) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Practical considerations for the creation of virtual sources and receivers in the 3D subsurface, American Geophysical Union, 2019 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, S24C-04, pdf-file.

(548) Van IJsseldijk, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Marchenko-based target replacement in laterally varying media, American Geophysical Union, 2019 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(547) Staring, M., Dukalski, M., Belonosov, M., Baardman, R.H., Yoo, J., Hegge, R.F., van Borselen, R.G., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Adaptive Marchenko multiple removal on Arabian Gulf OBC data, SEG/KOC Workshop: Seismic Multiples - The Challenges and the Way Forward, Kuwait (2 pages), pdf-file.

(546) Zhang, L., Meles, G.A., Brackenhoff, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Data-driven internal multiple reflection manipulation, SEG/KOC Workshop: Seismic Multiples - The Challenges and the Way Forward, Kuwait (2 pages), pdf-file.

(545) Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Do we need elastic internal de-multiple offshore Middle East, or will acoustic Marchenko suffice?, SEG/KOC Workshop: Seismic Multiples - The Challenges and the Way Forward, Kuwait (2 pages), pdf-file.

(544) Minato, S., Ghose, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Quantitative fracture imaging using least-squares migration and linear-slip model: theory and application to single-well reflection imaging, Fifth EAGE Workshop on Borehole Geophysics, The Hague, BG3, pdf-file.

(543) Meles, G.A., van der Neut, J., van Dongen, K.W.A., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Wavefield focusing with reduced cranial invasiveness, Proceedings of the IEEE IUS 2019, Glasgow, WeH6.2, pdf-file.

(542) Meles, G.A., van der Neut, J., van Dongen, K.W.A., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Transcranial ultrasound focusing with reduced cranial invasiveness, Symposium on Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation, Oxford, pdf-file.

(541) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., Slob, E., Draganov, D., Ruigrok, E., Staring, M., Meles, G., Reinicke, C., Zhang, L., Douma, H., van IJsseldijk, J., Shoja, A., 2019, Green's theorem in imaging across the scales (invited short course), Cargese International School "Imaging in Wave Physics: Multi-Wave and Large Sensor Networks", Corsica, pdf-file.

(540) Rahimi Dalkhani, A., Weemstra, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Transdimensional seismic imaging, Cargese International School "Imaging in Wave Physics: Multi-Wave and Large Sensor Networks", Corsica

(539) Wapenaar, K., and van IJsseldijk, J., 2019, Representations for the Marchenko method for imperfectly sampled data, 89th annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 4545-4549, pdf-file.

(538) Minato, S., Ghose, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Quantitative imaging of fractures around a borehole using linear slip theory and elastic least-squares migration, 89th annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 844-848, pdf-file.

(537) Minato, S., Ghose, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Seismic reflection imaging of fractures using least-squares migration and linear-slip theory: laboratory and numerical tests, Near Surface Geoscience Conference and Exhibition 2019, The Hague, (5 pages), pdf-file.

(536) Staring, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Interbed demultiple using Marchenko redatuming on 3D field data of the Santos basin, The sixteenth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, SBGf, (6 pages), pdf-file.

(535) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., and Thorbecke, J., 2019, Green's theorem in time-reversal acoustics, back propagation and source-receiver redatuming: a tutorial, 81rst annual EAGE meeting, London, Tu-R04-05, pdf-file.

(534) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Monitoring induced distributed double-couple sources using Marchenko-based virtual receivers, 81rst annual EAGE meeting, London, Th-R04-07, pdf-file.

(533) Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Tackling different velocity borne challenges of the elastodynamic Marchenko method, 81rst annual EAGE meeting, London, Th-R04-04, pdf-file.

(532) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Staring, M., and Thorbecke, J., 2019, Green's theorem in seismic imaging across the scales, EGU, General Assembly 2019, Vienna, pdf-file.

(531) Shirmohammadi, F., Weemstra, C., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to earthquakes data recorded in Malargue, Argentina, EGU, General Assembly 2019, Vienna, pdf-file.

(530) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Slob, E., 2019, Virtual seismology: a new methodology for induced earthquake monitoring, 15de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Nederland, pdf-file.

(529) Draganov, D., Ghose, R., Drijkoningen, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, DeepImage: Layer-specific monitoring of velocities and Q-factors using seismic interferometry, 15de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Nederland, pdf-file.

(528) Drury, M.R., Wessels, R., Spiers, C., Willingshofer, E., van Kan-Parker, M., Lange, O., Wapenaar, K., Bruhn, D., Dahlman, A., Sleeman, R., and Dost, B., 2019, The EPOS-NL research infrastructure, 15de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht, Nederland, pdf-file.


(527) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Staring, M., Thorbecke, J., and Slob, E., 2018, Virtual seismology: from hydrocarbon reservoir imaging to induced earthquake monitoring, American Geophysical Union, 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, pdf-file.

(526) Staring, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Marchenko redatuming for multiple prediction and removal in situations with a complex overburden, American Geophysical Union, 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, pdf-file.

(525) Minato, S., Ghose, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Seismic modelling and inversion of nonwelded interfaces using the boundary integral equation, Proceedings of the 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, pdf-file.

(524) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., and Thorbecke, J., 2018, Marchenko method for monitoring induced seismicity with virtual receivers, 88th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, 5037-5042, pdf-file.

(523) Sripanich, Y., Vasconcelos, I., Wapenaar, K., and Trampert, J., 2018, Velocity-independent Marchenko method in time- and depth-imaging domains, 88th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, 5012-5016, pdf-file.

(522) Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and Treitel, S., 2018, Fast non-recursive 1D inversion by filtering acoustic reflection data, 88th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, 5043-5047, pdf-file.

(521) Staring, M., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Marchenko redatuming by adaptive double-focusing on 2D and 3D field data of the Santos basin (invited), 88th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, Workshop W-4: The business value of multiple identification and removal - Status, challenges and road ahead, 5449-5453, pdf-file.

(520) Wapenaar, K., 2018, Virtual acoustics in inhomogeneous media with single-sided access, with applications in holographic imaging and monitoring from ultrasonic to seismic scale (invited), Workshop: Image reconstruction from millimetres to the globe: Bridging the Gap Between Seismic and Medical Imaging, Lorentz Center, Leiden, June 2018.

(519) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Homogeneous Green's function retrieval on field data using the Marchenko method, 80th annual EAGE meeting, Copenhagen, We-C-06, pdf-file.

(518) Meles, G.A., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2018, Virtual plane-wave retrieval and imaging via Marchenko redatuming, 80th annual EAGE meeting, Copenhagen, Th-P9-13, pdf-file.

(517) Reinicke Urruticoechea, C., Meles, G.A., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Elastodynamic plane wave Marchenko redatuming: Theory and examples, 80th annual EAGE meeting, Copenhagen, Th-A10-01, pdf-file.

(516) Alkhimenkov, Y., Brackenhoff, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Q-factor estimation and redatuming in a lossy medium using the Marchenko equation, 80th annual EAGE meeting, Copenhagen, Th-P9-15, pdf-file.

(515) Zhang, L., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and van der Neut, J., 2018, Artefact-free imaging by a revised Marchenko scheme, 80th annual EAGE meeting, Copenhagen, Th-P9-12, pdf-file.

(514) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., and Slob, E., 2018, A single-sided representation for the homogeneous Green's function, accounting for all multiples (invited), EAGE Workshop on "Surface and Internal Multiples - Lose them or use them?", Copenhagen, WS13, pdf-file.

(513) Reinicke Urruticoechea, C., Meles, G.A., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Focusing conditions: a comparison between different Marchenko imaging strategies, EAGE Workshop on "Surface and Internal Multiples - Lose them or use them?", Copenhagen, WS13, pdf-file.

(512) Hegge, R., Meles, G.A., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Towards the prediction of internal multiples from thin layering by Marchenko, EAGE Workshop on "Surface and Internal Multiples - Lose them or use them?", Copenhagen, WS13, pdf-file.

(511) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., Slob, E., and Verschuur, E., 2018, Virtual Seismology: monitoring the Earth's crust with virtual sources and virtual receivers in the subsurface, EGU, General Assembly 2018, Vienna, pdf-file.


(510) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Homogeneous Green's function retrieval using the Marchenko method (invited), SIAM Houston Imaging Sciences Symposium, Houston, pdf-file.

(509) Staring, M., Pereira, R., Douma, H., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Applying source-receiver Marchenko redatuming to field data, using an adaptive double-focusing method, SIAM Houston Imaging Sciences Symposium, Houston, pdf-file.

(508) Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2017, Time-lapse data prediction by Marchenko-based reservoir transplantation, 87th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 5583-5587, pdf-file.

(507) Slob, E., Zhang, L., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Obtaining local reflectivity at two-way travel time by filtering acoustic reflection data, 87th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 4813-4817, pdf-file.

(506) Staring, M., Pereira, R., Douma, H., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Adaptive double-focusing method for source-receiver Marchenko redatuming on field data, 87th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 4808-4812, pdf-file.

(505) Brackenhoff, J., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Decomposition of the Green's function using the Marchenko equation, 87th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 5593-5597, pdf-file.

(504) Barrera, D.F., Schleicher, J., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., Deconvolution and correlation-based interferometric redatuming by wavefield inversion, 87th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 5526-5530, pdf-file.

(503) Barrera, D.F., Schleicher, J., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Convolution-based interferometric redatuming of sources and receivers in a heterogeneous medium, The fifteenth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, SBGf, (6 pages), pdf-file.

(502) Staring, M., Pereira, R., Douma, H., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, An adaptive method for source-receiver Marchenko redatuming, The fifteenth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, SBGf, (6 pages), pdf-file.

(501) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, A lossless earth Green's function representation between any two subsurface points from surface reflection GPR data, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, Edinburgh, pdf-file.

(500) Wapenaar, K., 2017, A single-sided representation for passive and active Green's function retrieval, time-reversal acoustics, and holographic imaging (invited), Acoustics '17 Boston, The 3rd Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the European Acoustics Association, (Boston), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 141, p 3472. pdf-file.

(499) Draganov, D., Nishitsuji, Y., Boullenger, B., Minato, S., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Ruigrok, E., Rowe, C., Paap, B., Verdel, A., and Gomez, M., 2017, Imaging subsurface structures using reflections retrieved from seismic interferometry with sources of opportunity (invited), Acoustics '17 Boston, The 3rd Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the European Acoustics Association, (Boston), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 141, p 3527. pdf-file.

(498) Weemstra, C., Wapenaar, K., and van Dalen, K.N., 2017, Reflecting boundary conditions for interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, Acoustics '17 Boston, The 3rd Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the European Acoustics Association, (Boston), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 141, p 3530. pdf-file.

(497) Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., and Slob, E., 2017, Why multiples do not contribute to deconvolution imaging, 79th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, Tu-A1-01, pdf-file.

(496) Reinicke Urruticoechea, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Elastodynamic single-sided homogeneous Green's function representation: Theory and examples, 79th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, We-B2-02, pdf-file.

(495) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Theory for Marchenko imaging of marine seismic data with free surface multiple elimination, 79th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, Tu-A1-04, pdf-file.

(494) Liu, Y., Arntsen, B., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Borehole up-down wavefields reconstruction from single-component surface data, 79th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, We-A5-12, pdf-file.

(493) Holicki, M.E., Drijkoningen, G.G., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Snapshot wavefield decomposition for heterogeneous velocity media, 79th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, Th-P1-13, pdf-file.

(492) Staring, M., van der Neut, J., Grobbe, N., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Sparse inversion for solving the coupled Marchenko equations including free-surface multiple, 79th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, Tu-P9-14, pdf-file.

(491) Dokter, E., Meles, G.A., Curtis, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Velocity analysis using surface-seismic primaries-only data obtained without removing multiples, 79th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, We-B2-03, pdf-file.

(490) Paulssen, H., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Seismic studies of the Groningen gasfield: past, present and future, Physics Veldhoven, pdf-file.


(489) Hartstra, I., Almagro Vidal, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Full-field MDD for body-wave reflections from passive transient-sources under severely limited and irregular illumination conditions, American Geophysical Union, 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(488) Evers, L.G., Wapenaar, K., Heaney, K.D., and Snellen, M., 2016, Deep ocean sound speed characteristics passively derived from the ambient acoustic noise field, American Geophysical Union, 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(487) Weemstra, C., Draganov, D., Ruigrok, E., Hunziker, J., Gomez, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to ambient seismic noise recorded in Malargue, Argentina, American Geophysical Union, 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(486) Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., and Singh, S., 2016, From closed-boundary to single-sided homogeneous Green's function representations, 86th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 5149-5154, pdf-file.

(485) Singh, S., van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2016, Beyond Marchenko - Obtaining virtual receivers and virtual sources in the subsurface, 86th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 5166-5171, pdf-file.

(484) Zhang, L., Slob, E., van der Neut, J., Staring, M., Wapenaar, K., 2016, Electromagnetic Marchenko imaging in 1D for dissipative media, 86th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 2479-2483, pdf-file.

(483) Liu, Y., Arntsen, B., Landro, M., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, New method for discriminating 4D time shifts in the overburden and reservoir, 86th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 5521-5526, pdf-file.

(482) Staring, M., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, An interferometric interpretation of Marchenko redatuming including free-surface multiples, 86th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 5172-5176, pdf-file.

(481) De Ridder, S., van der Neut, J., Curtis, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Marchenko wavefield redatuming, imaging conditions, and the effect of model errors, 86th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 5155-5159, pdf-file.

(480) Holicki, M., Wapenaar, K., and Drijkoningen, G., 2016, Time-slice wavefield decomposition, 86th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 4367-4371, pdf-file.

(479) Slob, E., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Marchenko equations for acoustic Green's function retrieval and imaging in dissipative media, 86th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 5160-5165, pdf-file.

(478) Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Imaging an unknown object in an unknown medium, CMG 2016: 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Paris. Geo-Physics, from Mathematics to Experiments, pdf-file.

(477) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., Singh, S., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2016, A single-sided representation for virtual sources and virtual receivers, 78th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, Tu-LHR5-09 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(476) Grobbe, N., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Coupled seismo-electromagnetic interferometry for 2D homogeneous SH-TE scenarios, 78th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, Tu-LHR5-12 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(475) Liu, Y., Arntsen, B., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Auto-estimation of up-down wavefields in a horizontal borehole using single component data, 78th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, Tu-P4-05 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(474) Harmankaya, U., Kaslilar, A., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2016, Locating scatterers ahead of a tunnel boring machine using noise correlation, 78th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, Tu-LHR5-16 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(473) Meles, G.A., Wapenaar, K., Curtis, A., and da Costa Filho, C., 2016, Constructing only the primary reflections in seismic data - without multiple removal, 78th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, Tu-LHR5-11 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(472) Nishitsuji, Y., Minato, S., Boullenger, B., Wapenaar, K., Gomez, M., and Draganov, D., 2016, Cost-effective seismic reflection imaging using seismic interferometry for imaging of enhanced geothermal system: A case study in the Neuquen basin, Argentina, EAGE Workshop on "Renewables Including Carbon Capture, Storage and Disposal", Vienna, WS11, pdf-file.

(471) Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2016, Imaging the earth's interior with virtual sources and receivers (keynote address), Seismix 2016: 17th International Seismix Symposium, Aviemore, Scotland, pdf-file.

(470) Meles, G.A., Wapenaar, K., and Curtis, A., 2016, No more multiple removal: Construct Primaries then Migrate, Seismix 2016: 17th International Seismix Symposium, Aviemore, Scotland, pdf-file.

(469) Nishitsuji, Y., Minato, S., Hartstra, I., Boullenger, B., Wapenaar, K., Gomez, M., and Draganov, D., 2016, Crustal-scale interferometric imaging in the Malargue region, Argentina, with P-wave coda and multidimensional deconvolution, EGU, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, pdf-file.

(468) Nishitsuji, Y., Rowe, C., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2016, Pseudo-reflection imaging of the Lunar Moho beneath the Apollo seismic stations using deep-moonquake seismic interferometry, EGU, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, pdf-file.

(467) Weemstra, C., Draganov, D., Ruigrok, E., Wapenaar, K., and Gomez, M., 2016, Seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution applied to ambient noise recorded in Malargue, Argentina, EGU, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, pdf-file.

(466) Weemstra, C., Draganov, D., Ruigrok, E., Wapenaar, K., and Gomez, M., 2016, Improved surface-wave response from ambient noise in Malargue, Argentina, using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, 76. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Muenster, pdf-file.


(465) Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2015, Beyond seismic interferometry: imaging the earth's interior with virtual sources and receivers inside the earth (invited), American Geophysical Union, 2015 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(464) Hartstra, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, A method to retrieve the multi-receiver Moho reflection response from SH-wave scattering coda in the radiative transfer regime, American Geophysical Union, 2015 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(463) Nishitsuji, Y., Draganov, D., Ruigrok, E., Gomez, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, Reflection imaging of the Moho and the aseismic Nazca slab in the Malargue region with global-phase seismic interferometry, American Geophysical Union, 2015 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(462) Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, Imaging and monitoring of subsurface structures using reflections retrieved from seismic interferometry (keynote address), IMAGE Mid-Term Conference: Advanced Exploration Concepts for Geothermal Systems, Pisa, pdf-file.

(461) Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2015, Initial conditions for elastodynamic Green's function retrieval by the Marchenko method, 85th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 5074-5080, pdf-file.

(460) Vasconcelos, I., Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., Thomson, C., and Ravasi, M., 2015, Using inverse transmission matrices for Marchenko redatuming in highly complex media, 85th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 5081-5086, pdf-file.

(459) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., and Slob, E., 2015, Practical challenges in adaptive Marchenko imaging, 85th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 4505-4509, pdf-file.

(458)Weemstra, C., Wapenaar, K., and Van Dalen, K., 2015, Reflecting boundary conditions for interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, 85th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 2440-2444, pdf-file.

(457) Liu, Y., Van der Neut, J., Arntsen, B., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, Data-driven deep local imaging using both surface and borehole seismic data, 85th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 5554-5559, pdf-file.

(456) Singh, S., Snieder, R., Van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, Incorporating free-surface multiples in Marchenko imaging, 85th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 4328-4333, pdf-file.

(455) Alfaraj, A.M., Verschuur, D.J., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, Near-ocean bottom wavefield tomography for elastic wavefield decomposition, 85th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 2108-2112, pdf-file.

(454) Drijkoningen, G., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Clauser, C., Hruska, M., Van der Kruk, J., Wellmann, F., Maurer, H., and Robertsson, J., 2015, IDEA League celebrates 10 years of geophysics teaching across international borders: First Break, Vol. 33, (11), 16-17. pdf-file.

(453) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., Draganov, D., and Ruigrok, E., 2015, Geophysical noise interferometry: repairing the broken mirror (invited), The 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Florence, Italy, pdf-file.

(452) Hartstra, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, A method to retrieve an improved high resolution reflection response from HiCLIMB array recordings of local earthquake scattering coda, 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prague, pdf-file.

(451) Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2015, Elastodynamic Marchenko focusing, Green's function retrieval and imaging, 77th annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, We-N106-05 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(450) Harmankaya, U., Kaslilar, A., Van Wijk, K., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2015, Estimating the location of scatterers using correlation of scattered Rayleigh waves, 77th annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, Tu-P5-10 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(449) Van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2015, Inversion of the multidimensional Marchenko equation, 77th annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, We-N106-04 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(448) Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2015, Causality aspects of the elastodynamic Marchenko method, EAGE Workshop on "Seismic Imaging - Latest Developments", Madrid,WS06-C05, pdf-file.

(447) Kaslilar, A., Harmankaya, U., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2015, Estimating the location of a tunnel using interferometric times of Rayleigh-wave scattering, EAGE Workshop on "Imaging, Characterization and Monitoring Using Interferometric Methods - Recent Developments", Madrid,WS15-B03, pdf-file.

(446) Liu, Y., Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Arntsen, B., 2015, Creating virtual receivers from drill-bit noise, EAGE Workshop on "Imaging, Characterization and Monitoring Using Interferometric Methods - Recent Developments", Madrid, WS15-A02, pdf-file.

(445) Wapenaar, K., 2015, Seismic interferometry and beyond (invited), Cargese Summer School "Passive imaging and monitoring in wave physics: from seismology to ultrasound", Corsica, pdf-file.

(444) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2015, Seismic reflection imaging, accounting for primary and multiple reflections, EGU, General Assembly 2015, Vienna, pdf-file.


(443) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Vasconcelos, I., Van Manen, D.-J., Ravasi, M., 2014, On the focusing conditions in time-reversed acoustics, seismic interferometry and Marchenko imaging, 84th annual SEG meeting, Denver, ST 1.4, pdf-file.

(442) Boullenger, B., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2014, A method to suppress spurious multiples in virtual-source gathers retrieved using seismic interferometry with reflection data, 84th annual SEG meeting, Denver, SPMUL 1.7, pdf-file.

(441) Almagro Vidal, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Passive seismic interferometry by multi-dimensional deconvolution-decorrelation, 84th annual SEG meeting, Denver, PSC 2.5, pdf-file.

(440) Liu, Y., Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., and Arntsen, B., 2014, Combining inter-source seismic interferometry and source-receiver interferometry for deep local imaging, 84th annual SEG meeting, Denver, VSP E-P1.4, pdf-file.

(439) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., and Vasconcelos, I., 2014, Internal multiple suppression by adaptive Marchenko redatuming, 84th annual SEG meeting, Denver, SPMUL 1.1, pdf-file.

(438) Singh, S., Snieder, R., Behura, J., Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2014, Autofocusing imaging: Imaging with primaries, internal multiples and free-surface multiples, 84th annual SEG meeting, Denver, SPMUL 1.2, pdf-file.

(437) Vasconcelos, I., Van Manen, D.-J., Ravasi, M., Wapenaar, K., and Van der Neut, J., 2014, Marchenko redatuming: advantages and limitations in complex media, 84th annual SEG meeting, Denver, Workshop W-11: Using Multiples as Signal for Imaging, pdf-file.

(436) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2014, Marchenko imaging (invited), 84th annual SEG meeting, Denver, Workshop W-18: New advances in Migration, pdf-file.

(435) Slob, E., Hunziker, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Creating virtual vertical radar profiles from surface reflection Ground Penetrating Radar data, GPR 2014: Fifteenth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Brussels, Belgium, p 525-528, pdf-file.

(434) Vasconcelos, I., Van Manen, D.-J., Ravasi, M., Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Curtis, A., 2014, Marchenko redatuming and imaging of seismic wavefields (invited). IPTA 2014, Inverse Problems - from Theory to Application, Bristol, UK, pdf-file.

(433) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E.C., 2014, Marchenko imaging below complex overburdens in the Middle East (invited), 2014 SEG/KOC Workshop, Seismic multiples - Are they signal or noise?, Kuwait City, Kuwait, pdf-file.

(432) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2014, Marchenko imaging (invited), SEG/AGU Summer Research Workshop, advances in Active+Passive "Full-Wavefield" Seismic Imaging: From Reservoirs to Plate Tectonics, Vancouver, Canada, pdf-file.

(431) Mikesell, T.D., Van Dalen, K.N., Ruigrok, E.N., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Retrieving surface waves from ambient seismic noise using multidimensional deconvolution, SEG/AGU Summer Research Workshop, advances in Active+Passive "Full-Wavefield" Seismic Imaging: From Reservoirs to Plate Tectonics, Vancouver, Canada, pdf-file.

(430) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Vasconcelos, I., and Slob, E., 2014, Marchenko imaging below an overburden with random scatterers, 76th annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Th-E102-10 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(429) Harmankaya, U., Kaslilar, A., Verstraeten, B., Creten, S., Glorieux, C., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2014, Locating cavities using ghost scattered waves in a scale-model experiment, 76th annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Tu-P05-10 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(428) Van der Neut, J., Vasconcelos, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, An interferometric interpretation of Marchenko redatuming, 76th annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Th-E102-11 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(427) Grobbe, N., Van der Neut, J., Almagro Vidal, C., Drijkoningen, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Wavefield decomposition of field data, using a shallow horizontal downhole sensor array and a free-surface constraint, 76th annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Tu-D202-16 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(426) Liu, Y., Wapenaar, K., and Arntsen, B., 2014, Turning subsurface noise sources into virtual receivers by multi-dimensional deconvolution, 76th annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Tu-P05-11 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(425) Singh, S., Snieder, R., Behura, J., Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2014, Autofocusing for retrieving the Green's function in the presence of a free surface, 76th annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Th-E102-09 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(424) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Overview of marine controlled-source electromagnetic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, 76th annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Workshop (2 pages), pdf-file.

(423) Smets, P., Evers, L., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, The life cycle of a Sudden Stratospheric Warming from infrasonic ambient noise observations, EGU, General Assembly 2014, Vienna, pdf-file.

(422) Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Cosine-method beamforming, EGU, General Assembly 2014, Vienna, pdf-file.

(421) Liu, Y., Arntsen, B., Wapenaar, K., Romdhane, A., 2014, Inter-source seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution (MDD) for borehole sources, CPS/SEG Beijing 2014 International Geophysical Conference & Exposition, Beijing, China, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(420) Van Dalen, K., Mikesell, D., Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Retrieving surface waves from ambient seismic noise observations using multidimensional deconvolution, 12de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(419) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Data-driven inversion of GPR surface reflection data for lossless layered media, EuCAP 2014 - The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, The Hague, pdf-file.

(418) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., and Vasconcelos, I., 2014, Marchenko redatuming below a complex overburden (invited), Seminar at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), pdf-file.

(417) Van der Neut, J., Vasconcelos, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, An interferometric interpretation of Marchenko redatuming, 30th IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Merida Yucatan, Mexico, pdf-file.


(416) Fricke, J., Evers, L., Wapenaar, K., and Simons, D., 2013, Interferometry applied to the large aperture infrasound array in the Netherlands (invited), 166th meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Am., San Francisco, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 134, p 4224. pdf-file.

(415) Ruigrok, E., Wapenaar, K., and Kuehn, D.K., 2013, Receiver-pair seismic interferometry and the cosine method, American Geophysical Union, 2013 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(414) Lepore, S., Nishitsuji, Y., Ruigrok, E., Wapenaar, K., Gomez, M., Ruzzante, J., Torres, D., Pumarega, M.I.L., and Draganov, D., 2013, The characterization of subsurface structures in the Malarge region using seismic interferometry, American Geophysical Union, 2013 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(413) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2013, Marchenko imaging (invited), EAGE/SEG Forum: Turning noise into geological information: The next big step? Lisbon, pdf-file.

(412) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., Van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Broggini, F., and Snieder, R., 2013, Three-dimensional Marchenko equation for Green's function retrieval ''beyond seismic interferometry'', 83rd annual SEG meeting, Houston, ST 1.1, pdf-file.

(411) Broggini, F., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, Data-driven Green's function retrieval and imaging with multidimensional deconvolution: numerical examples for reflection data with internal multiples, 83rd annual SEG meeting, Houston, SPMUL E-P1.6, pdf-file.

(410) Van der Neut, J., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Snieder, R., and Broggini, F., 2013, Interferometric redatuming of autofocused primaries and internal multiples, 83rd annual SEG meeting, Houston, ST 1.4, pdf-file.

(409) Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, Green's function retrieval with Marchenko equations: a sensitivity analysis, 83rd annual SEG meeting, Houston, SPMI 6.3, pdf-file.

(408) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, Coupled Marchenko equations for electromagnetic Green's function retrieval and imaging, 83rd annual SEG meeting, Houston, NS 4.4, pdf-file.

(407) Almagro Vidal, C., Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, Interferometric reservoir monitoring with a single passive source, 83rd annual SEG meeting, Houston, PSC 2.6, pdf-file.

(406) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., Broggini, F., and Snieder, R., 2013, Seismic interferometry and beyond (keynote address), 73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Leipzig, pdf-file.

(405) Wapenaar, K., 2013, Imaging with ambient noise (invited), Seminar at the Aachener Tag der Geowissenschaften, Aachen, pdf-file.

(404) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., Broggini, F., Snieder, R., Thorbecke, J., and Van der Neut, J., 2013, Data-driven Green's function retrieval from reflection data: theory and example, 75th annual EAGE meeting, London, Th-15-10 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(403) Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, Receiver-pair seismic interferometry and the cosine method, 75th annual EAGE meeting, London, Th-15-11 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(402) Broggini, F., Snieder, R., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2013, Creating the Green's response to a virtual source inside a medium using reflection data with internal multiples, 75th annual EAGE meeting, London, We-02-15 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(401) Harmankaya, U., Kaslilar, A., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D.,2013, Locating scatterers by non-physical scattered waves obtained by seismic interferometry, 75th annual EAGE meeting, London, We-P03-02 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(400) Van der Neut, J., Almagro Vidal, C., Grobbe, N., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, Turning one-sided illumination into two-sided illumination by target-enclosing interferometric redatuming, 75th annual EAGE meeting, London, Th-15-09 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(399) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Fan, Y., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 3D marine controlled-source electromagnetic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution in the wavenumber domain for a sparse receiver grid, 75th annual EAGE meeting, London, We-P04-13 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(398) Van Dalen, K., Wapenaar, K., Halliday, D., 2013, Retrieving higher-mode surface waves using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, 75th annual EAGE meeting, London, We-P03-01 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(397) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, GPR wave field decomposition, synthesis and imaging for lossless layered vertically transverse isotropic media, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, Nantes (6 pages), pdf-file.

(396) Fricke, J., Evers, L., Ruigrok, E., Wapenaar, K., and Simons, D., 2013, Infrasonic interferometry applied to synthetic and measured data, EGU, General Assembly 2013, Vienna, pdf-file.

(395) Frank, J.G., Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2013, Shear wave seismic interferometry for lithospheric imaging, American Geophysical Union, Meeting of the Americas, Cancun, Mexico, pdf-file.


(394) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Slob, E., Broggini, F., Behura, J., and Snieder, R., 2012, Integrated migration and internal multiple elimination, 82nd annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, SPMUL 1.5, pdf-file.

(393) Broggini, F., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Creating a virtual source inside a medium from reflection data with internal multiples: a stationary-phase analysis, 82nd annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, ST 1.4, pdf-file.

(392) Broggini, F., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Focusing inside an unknown medium using reflection data with internal multiples: numerical examples for a laterally-varying velocity model, spatially-extended virtual source, and inaccurate direct arrivals, 82nd annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, SPMUL 1.8, pdf-file.

(391) Behura, J., Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, 2012, Newton-Marchenko-Rose imaging, 82nd annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, SPMI 5.7, pdf-file.

(390) Almagro Vidal, C., Van der Neut, J., Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Verdel, A., 2012, Passive interferometric imaging for limited illumination using slowness diagnosis and directionally constrained Gaussian Beam migration, 82nd annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, SPMI E-P1.6, pdf-file.

(389) Van der Neut, J., Herrmann, F., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Interferometric redatuming with simultaneous and missing sources using sparsity promotion in the curvelet domain, 82nd annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, SPIR P1.5, pdf-file.

(388) Snieder, R., Nakata, N., Broggini, F., Wapenaar, K., and Behura, J., 2012, Developments in seismic interferometry; time-lapse monitoring and autofocusing of internal multiples, 82nd annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas (session Recent advances and the Road Ahead), SS 1.8, pdf-file.

(387) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Layered medium full waveform inversion as a two-step linear process, XIX RiNEm; Italian Meeting on Electromagnetics, Rome, pdf-file.

(386) Ruigrok, E., Almagro Vidal, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Seismic interferometry by midpoint integration, Neustadt Workshop on Noise and Diffuse Wavefields, Neustadt, pdf-file.

(385) Fricke, J.T., Ruigrok, E., Evers, L.G., El Allouche, N., Simons, D.G., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Results of infrasound interferometry in Netherlands, American Geophysical Union, 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(384) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Broggini, F., and Snieder, R., 2012, Creating virtual sources inside an unknown medium from reflection data: a new approach to internal multiple elimination, 74th annual EAGE meeting, Copenhagen, Y012 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(383) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Fan, Y., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Synthesized 2D CSEM-interferometry using automatic source line determination, 74th annual EAGE meeting, Copenhagen, P-268 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(382) Harmankaya, U., Kaslilar, A., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar K., and Draganov, D., 2012, Estimating the location of scatterers by seismic interferometry of scattered surface waves, 74th annual EAGE meeting, Copenhagen, X-008 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(381) Van der Neut, J., Van Leeuwen, T., Herrmann, F.J., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Interferometric seismic imaging by sparse inversion, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Philadelphia, 2012, pdf-file.

(380) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Increasing the reservoir detectability in CSEM data with interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, 11de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(379) Van Dalen, K., Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Surface-wave retrieval from ambient-noise observations, 11de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(378) Van Dalen, K., Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Surface-wave retrieval from ambient-noise observations using crosscorrelation and multidimensional deconvolution, Acoustics 2012, Nantes, France, pdf-file.

(377) Wapenaar, K., 2012, Green's function retrieval from irregular noise: repairing the broken mirror (invited), Seminar at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, pdf-file.

(376) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., and Thorbecke, J., 2012, On the relation between seismic interferometry and the simultaneous-source method (invited), EAGE Workshop on "Simultaneous Source Methods for Seismic Data", Copenhagen, pdf-file.

(375) Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Global-phase seismic interferometry unveils P-wave reflectivity below the Himalayas and Tibet, 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (GA ESC), Moscow, pdf-file.

(374) Snieder, R., Broggini, F., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Autofocusing of wave fields, IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Edinburgh, pdf-file.

(373) Wapenaar, K., 2012, Creating virtual sources inside an unknown 3D medium from reflection data: a new approach to internal multiple elimination (invited), Seminar at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), pdf-file.

(372) Wapenaar, K., 2012, Imaging with ambient noise (invited), Seminar at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), pdf-file.

(371) Harmankaya, U., Kaslilar, A., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2012, Estimation of the location of a scatterer from interferometric ghosts of the scattered surface waves, Istanbul International Geophysical Conference and Oil & Gas Exhibition, pdf-file.

(370) Fricke, J., Ruigrok, E., Evers, L., Simons, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Results of infrasound interferometry in Netherlands, EGU, General Assembly 2012, Vienna, pdf-file.


(369) Ruigrok, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Interferometric imaging with global phases, American Geophysical Union, 2011 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(368) Fricke, J.T., Ruigrok, E., Evers, L.G., Simons, D.G., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, LAIA - A large aperture infrasound array for interferometric studies, CTBTO Infrasound Technology Workshop 2011, Jordan, pdf-file.

(367) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2011, Green's function retrieval from noise by multidimensional deconvolution (invited), 162nd meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Am., (San Diego), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 130, p 2371. pdf-file.

(366) Snieder, R., Nakata, N., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2011, Extracting the earth response from noise and complex earthquake data (invited), 162nd meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Am., (San Diego), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 130, p 2371. pdf-file.

(365) Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2011, The potential for extracting the electromagnetic earth response from uncorrelated noise (invited), 162nd meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Am., (San Diego), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 130, p 2372. pdf-file.

(364) Wapenaar, K., Broggini, F., and Snieder, R., 2011, A proposal for model-independent 3D wave field reconstruction from reflection data, 81st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 3788-3792, pdf-file.

(363) Broggini, F., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Connection of scattering principles: focusing the wavefield without source or receiver, 81st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 3845-3850, pdf-file.

(362) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Fan, Y., and Snieder, R., 2011, Effects of noise on CSEM interferometry with synthetic aperture sources, 81st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 614-618, pdf-file.

(361) Almagro Vidal, C., Van der Neut, J., Draganov, D., Drijkoningen, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Retrieval of reflections from ambient-noise field data using illumination diagnostics, 81st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 1613-1617, pdf-file.

(360) Hunziker, J., Fan, Y., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2011, CSEM interferometry using a synthetic aperture source, 73rd annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, P-162 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(359) Wapenaar, K., 2011, On the relation between seismic interferometry and the simultaneous-source method, 73rd annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, C-020 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(358) Almagro Vidal, C., Van der Neut, J., Drijkoningen, G., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Retrieval of reflections from ambient noise using the incident fields (point-spread function) as a diagnostic tool, 73rd annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, P-376 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(357) Fricke, J., Ruigrok, E., Evers, L., Simons, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, LAIA - A large aperture infrasound array for interferometric studies, EGU, General Assembly 2011, Vienna, pdf-file.

(356) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution for time-lapse controlled source electromagnetics, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vancouver, 1451, pdf-file.

(355) Ruigrok, E., Campman, X., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, A deep seismic profile from noise records, EAGE Workshop: Passive seismic, Athens, p. PAS16, pdf-file.

(354) Grobbe, N., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Correlation imaging with seismo-electromagnetic waves, Seismoelectric Workshop, GeoZentrum, Hannover, pdf-file.

(353) Wapenaar, K., 2011, Seismic interferometry by multi-dimensional deconvolution (invited), Cargese Summer School "Passive imaging in wave physics: from seismology to ultrasound", Corsica, pdf-file.

(352) Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2011, Noise interferometry challenges for subsurface imaging (invited), Cargese Summer School "Passive imaging in wave physics: from seismology to ultrasound", Corsica, pdf-file.


(351) Wapenaar, K., Ruigrok, E., Van der Neut, J., Draganov, D., Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Thorbecke, J., and Snieder, R., 2010, Green's function representation for seismic interferometry by deconvolution, 80th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 3972-3978, pdf-file.

(350) Snieder, R., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Extracting the Green's function for static problems from dynamic fields, 80th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 2746-2751, pdf-file.

(349) Van der Neut, J., El Allouche, N., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Elastic decomposition with downhole geophones and hydrophones, 80th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 1708-1713, pdf-file.

(348) Van der Neut, J., Mehta, K., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Controlled-source elastic interferometric imaging by multi-dimensional deconvolution with downhole receivers below a complex overburden, 80th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 3979-3985, pdf-file. (Best paper award, SEG, 2010)

(347) Hunziker, J., Van der Neut, J., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Fan, Y., and Snieder, R., 2010, Controlled source electromagnetic interferometry: the illumination function, 80th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 853-858, pdf-file.

(346) Halliday, D., Curtis, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Generalized PP + PS = SS from seismic interferometry, 80th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 4029-4033, pdf-file.

(345) Van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Retrieving the earth's reflection response by multi-dimensional deconvolution of ambient seismic noise, 72nd annual EAGE meeting, Barcelona, P-406 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(344) Draganov, D., Campman, X., Thorbecke, J., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Event-driven seismic interferometry with ambient seismic noise, 72nd annual EAGE meeting, Barcelona, G-013 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(343) Poletto, F., Wapenaar, K., and Bellezza, C., 2010, Kirchhoff-Helmholtz representation for interferometry and virtual reflectors in acoustic media, 72nd annual EAGE meeting, Barcelona, G-014 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(342) Tetyukhina, D., Van Vliet, L., Wapenaar, K., and Luthi, S., 2010, 2D high-resolution reservoir characterization by model-free seismic inversion with sparsity promotion, 72nd annual EAGE meeting, Barcelona, F-028 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(341) Hunziker, J., Fan, Y., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2010, Solving spatial sampling problems in 2D-CSEM interferometry using elongated sources, 72nd annual EAGE meeting, Barcelona, P-083 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(340) Slob, E., Snieder, R., Revil, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Electromagnetic Green's function extraction by cross-correlation and deconvolution, with applications in hydrogeophysics (invited), American Geophysical Union, 2010 The Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, pdf-file.

(339) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Thorbecke, J., and Snieder, R., 2010, Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison, American Geophysical Union, 2010 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(338) Ruigrok, E., Campman, X., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Crust and upper-mantle imaging with noise, American Geophysical Union, 2010 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file. (Outstanding Student Paper Award)

(337) Draganov, D., Campman, X., Thorbecke, J., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Event-driven approach to ambient-noise seismic interferometry, EGU, General Assembly 2010, Vienna, pdf-file.

(336) Fricke, J., Evers, L., Simons, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, A large aperture infrasound array in the Netherlands for interferometric studies, EGU, General Assembly 2010, Vienna, pdf-file.

(335) Ruigrok, E., Van der Neut, J., Djikpesse, H., Chen, C.-W., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, A feasibility study for the application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution for lithospheric-scale imaging, EGU, General Assembly 2010, Vienna, pdf-file.

(334) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Thorbecke, J., and Snieder, R., 2010, Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by multidimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison, EGU, General Assembly 2010, Vienna, pdf-file.

(333) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Effects of the airwave in marine CSEM for various source receiver orientations, PIERS 2010: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, March 22 - 26, 2010, Xi'an, China. Book of Abstracts, pdf-file.

(332) Van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Thorbecke, J., Hunziker, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Surface wave retrieval from ambient noise using multi-dimensional deconvolution, EAGE Saint Petersburg 2010, pdf-file.

(331) Snieder, R., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, The gap between theory and practice for seismic interferometry for the earth, Seismological Society of America 2010 Annual Meeting, pdf-file.

(330) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Marine CSEM: The airwave and how it can be removed, 10de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(329) Ruigrok, E., Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, A feasibility study for the application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution for lithospheric-scale imaging, 10de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(328) Van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2010, Multi-dimensional deconvolution applied to ambient-noise seismic interferometry, SEG/EAGE Summer Research Workshop, Snowbird, Utah, pdf-file.

(327) Fricke, J.T., Evers, L.G., Simons, D.G., Wapenaar, K., and Blom, P., 2010, A large aperture infrasound array for interferometric studies, Joint CNTC/CTBTO Infrasound Technology Workshop, pdf-file.


(326) Wapenaar, K., 2009, Seismic interferometry, the optical theorem and a non-linear point diffractor, 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 3595-3600, pdf-file.

(325) Hunziker, J., Van der Neut, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Controlled source interferometry with noisy data, 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 689-693, pdf-file.

(324) Draganov, D., Campman, X., Thorbecke, J., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Velocity and structural information extracted from shot gathers obtained from ambient noise using seismic interferometry, 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 1698-1702, pdf-file.

(323) Minato, S., Matsuoka, T., Tsuji, T., Draganov, D., Hunziker, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to crosswell seismic reflection using singular-value decomposition, 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 1688-1692, pdf-file.

(322) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., and Slob, E., 2009, Elastic interferometry by multi-dimensional deconvolution in the presence of intrinsic losses and uncorrelated noise, CPS/SEG Beijing 2009 International Geophysical Conference & Exposition, Beijing, China, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(321) Poletto, F., Wapenaar, K., and Farina, B., 2009, Green's function representation of virtual reflectors (VR), 71st annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, X-042 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(320) Draganov, D., Campman, X., Thorbecke, J., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Subsurface structure from ambient seismic noise, 71st annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, Z-038 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(319) Hunziker, J., Slob, E.C., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Controlled source electromagnetic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution - Spatial sampling effects, 71st annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, P-074 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(318) Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Controlled-source elastodynamic interferometry by cross-correlation of decomposed wavefields, 71st annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, X-044 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(317) Vasconcelos, I., Slob, E., Snieder, R., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2009, Scattering representations of dynamic fields: implications for Green's function retrieval, Waves2009: Ninth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Pau, France, paper 83, pdf-file.

(316) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Sen, M., 2009, Controlled-source seismic interferometry by multi-dimensional deconvolution applied to a laterally varying elastic model, Proceedings of the 4th North African/Mediterranean Petroleum and Geosciences Conference & Exhibition, Tunis, pdf-file.

(315) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Ruigrok, E., 2009, Seismic interferometry by multi-dimensional deconvolution for passive transient sources, Proceedings of the 4th North African/Mediterranean Petroleum and Geosciences Conference & Exhibition, Tunis, pdf-file.

(314) Ruigrok, E., Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., and Draganov, D., 2009, A review of crosscorrelation and multidimensional deconvolution seismic interferometry for passive data, EAGE Workshop: Passive seismic, Cyprus, pdf-file.

(313) Hunziker, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Electromagnetic interferometry by multi-dimensional deconvolution applied to diffusive controlled-source exploration, Neustadt Workshop on Noise and Diffuse Wavefields, Neustadt, pdf-file.

(312) Ruigrok, E., Campman, X., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Lithospheric-scale seismic interferometry: a comparison of approaches to deal with an irregular source distribution and source-side reverberations, Neustadt Workshop on Noise and Diffuse Wavefields, Neustadt, pdf-file.

(311) Campman, X., Draganov, D., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, A study of ambient seismic noise as the source for body-wave interferometry, Neustadt Workshop on Noise and Diffuse Wavefields, Neustadt, pdf-file.

(310) Draganov, D., Ruigrok, E., Thorbecke, J., Hunziker, J., Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Seismic interferometry by cross-correlation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution using ambient seismic noise, Neustadt Workshop on Noise and Diffuse Wavefields, Neustadt, pdf-file.

(309) Draganov, D., Campman, X., Thorbecke, J., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Subsurface images retrieved from ambient noise using seismic interferometry (invited), American Geophysical Union, 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto, pdf-file.

(308) Tetyukhina, D., Luthi, S.M., Van Vliet, L.J., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, 2-D high-resolution reservoir characterization by seismic Bayesian inversion of a Tertiary deltaic clinoform system in the North Sea: 2009 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, pdf-file.

(307) Wapenaar, K., 2009, Is de toekomst voorspelbaar? Bijdrage aan de wetenschappelijke scheurkalender 2009, uitgegeven door Natuurwetenschap & Techniek. pdf-file.

(306) Fokkema, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Measuring is knowing.....or is it?, Newsletter ingeokring, Delft, Spring/Summer 2009, p 64. pdf-file.

(305) Wapenaar, K., 2009, Seismic interferometry, turning noise into signal (invited), SBGf Short Course Programme, Salvador, pdf-file.

(304) Hunziker, J., Fan, Y., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2009, Electromagnetic interferometry by multi-dimensional deconvolution: acquisition aspects, SEG Workshop, Interferometry: the Evolution of a Multidisciplinary Field; 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.

(303) Draganov, D., Campman, X., Thorbecke, J., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Reflections on & from noise : Continuous- versus event-driven ambient seismic noise interferometry, SEG Workshop, Interferometry: the Evolution of a Multidisciplinary Field; 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.

(302) Slob, E., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Green's second theorem and the extraction of Green's functions, SEG Workshop, Interferometry: the Evolution of a Multidisciplinary Field; 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.

(301) Verdel, A., Campman, X., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Ambient seismic noise interferometry for exploration and surveillance, SEG Workshop, Interferometry: the Evolution of a Multidisciplinary Field; 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.

(300) Thorbecke, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Van der Neut, J., Hunziker, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, Seismic interferometry by cross-correlation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution using ambient seismic noise, SEG Workshop, Interferometry: the Evolution of a Multidisciplinary Field; 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.

(299) Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Campman, X., 2009, Estimation of lithospheric-scale velocity models using body-wave seismic interferometry, SEG Workshop, Interferometry: the Evolution of a Multidisciplinary Field; 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.

(298) Campman, X., Draganov, D., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2009, A study of ambient seismic noise as the source for body-wave seismic interferometry, SEG Workshop, Interferometry: the Evolution of a Multidisciplinary Field; 79th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.


(297) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Slob, E., Thorbecke, J., and Snieder, R., 2008, Seismic interferometry by cross-correlation or deconvolution?, 78th annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, 2731-2736, pdf-file.

(296) Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Analysis of spurious events in seismic interferometry, 78th annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, 1415-1420, pdf-file.

(295) Tetyukhina, D., Luthi, S.M., Van Vliet, L.J., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, High-resolution reservoir characterization by 2-D model-driven seismic Bayesian inversion: an example from a Tertiary deltaic clinoform system in the North Sea, 78th annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, 1880-1884, pdf-file.

(294) Van der Neut, J., Hunziker, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2008, Controlled-source seismic interferometry by multi-dimensional deconvolution: stability aspects with various numbers of sources and receivers, 78th annual SEG meeting, Las Vegas, 3008-3012, pdf-file.

(293) Wapenaar, K., 2008, Seismic interferometry-by-deconvolution for controlled-source and passive data, 70th annual EAGE meeting, Rome, G-022 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(292) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2008, Multi-component controlled-source interferometry by multi-dimensional deconvolution applied to a 1D elastic model, 70th annual EAGE meeting, Rome, P-272 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(291) Draganov, D., Ghose, R., Ruigrok, E., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Effect of intrinsic losses on seismic interferometry, 70th annual EAGE meeting, Rome, G-024 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(290) Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Sampling and illumination aspects of seismic interferometry in horizontally layered media, 70th annual EAGE meeting, Rome, P-277 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(289) Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and Kuroda, S., 2008, Interferometry by deconvolution of GPR data, GPR 2008: Twelfth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Birmingham, UK, (4 pages) pdf-file.

(288) Van der Neut, J., Sen, M.K., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Low frequency seismic reflection coefficients at non-welded interfaces, Proceedings of the 7th Conference and Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics, Hyderabad-2008, pdf-file.

(287) Draganov, D., Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., Mulder, W., Verdel, A., and Singer, J., 2008, Retrieving reflections from seismic background-noise recordings: theory and results, Proceedings of the 7th Conference and Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics, Hyderabad-2008, pdf-file.

(286) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2008, Controlled-source seismic interferometry with one way wave fields, American Geophysical Union, 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(285) Wapenaar, K., Van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Thorbecke, J., and Snieder, R., 2008, Seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution as a means to compensate for anisotropic illumination (invited), American Geophysical Union, 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(284) Slob, E., Snieder, R., Wapenaar, K., and Wegler, U., 2008, Green's function extraction for general linear systems, American Geophysical Union, 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(283) Draganov, D., Campman, X., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Reflection profiles extracted from ambient-noise using seismic interferometry, American Geophysical Union, 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(282) Ruigrok, E., Campman, X., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Data requirements for the retrieval of regional-scale reflection responses by cross correlation, American Geophysical Union, 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, pdf-file.

(281) Wapenaar, K., 2008, Seismic interferometry for passive and controlled source data (invited), Seminar at Schlumberger, Gatwick, pdf-file.

(280) Wapenaar, K., and Verdel, A., 2008, Seismic interferometry for hydrocarbon exploration: turning noise into signal (invited), 9de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(279) Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Seismic interferometry for hydrocarbon exploration: the industry perspective (invited), 9de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(278) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., Mulder, W., Singer, J., and Verdel, A., 2008, Seismic interferometry - Retrieval of the Earth's reflection response using cross-correlation, 9de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(277) Ruigrok, E., Campman, X., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Application of seismic interferometry to teleseismic array data, 9de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(276) Tetyukhina, D.D., Luthi, S.M., Van Vliet, L.J., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, High-resolution characterization of the North Sea fluvio-deltaic system by seismic Bayesian inversion, 9de Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(275) Van der Burg, D., Drijkoningen, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, A proposal for planetary regional exploration using passive seismics, NPP Symposium 2008, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(274) Wapenaar, K., 2008, Turning noise into signal: a new twist of Green's theorem (invited), Seminar at Delft University, Department of Imaging Science and Technology, pdf-file.

(273) Wapenaar, K., 2008, Seismic interferometry (invited). Seismic interferometry Workshop, Dhahran

(272) Wapenaar, K., 2008, Seismic interferometry-by-deconvolution for controlled-source and passive data (invited), Seminar at Schlumberger, Boston, pdf-file.

(271) Arts, R.J., Wolf, K.H., Spetzler, J., Sijacic, D., Angelov, P., Drijkoningen, G., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2008, Underground CO2 storage: Can it be monitored?: Chapter in: Peet, D.J., Hatton, C., de Werk, G.J., and Van Drimmelen, R., (Eds): Geotechnology and Sustainable Development: Challenges for the future (Uitgeverij Eburon, Delft, ISBN 978-90-5972-293-4), Chapter 3, p27-40. pdf-file.


(270) Green, A.G., Maurer, H., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Clauser, C., and Littke, R., 2007, Joint MSc programme in applied geophysics: a new concept in geophysics education: First Break, Vol. 25, (4), 81-84. pdf-file.

(269) Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2007, From order to disorder to order: a philosophical view on seismic interferometry, 77th annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 2683-2687, pdf-file.

(268) Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2007, Interferometry in dissipative media: Addressing the shallow sea problem for Seabed Logging applications, 77th annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 559-563, pdf-file.

(267) Tetyukhina, D., Van Vliet, L.J., Luthi, S.M., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, High-resolution clinoform characterization by 2-D model-driven seismic Bayesian inversion, 77th annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 1855-1859, pdf-file.

(266) Van der Burg, D., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, Ray-based stochastic inversion: improving reservoir characterization in a Gulf of Mexico field, 77th annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 1775-1779, pdf-file.

(265) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., Snieder, R., Draganov, D., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., and De Ridder, S., 2007, Unified Green's function representation for interferometry, 69th annual EAGE meeting, London, B-031 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(264) Van der Neut, J., Sen, M.K., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, Monitoring effective stress changes in fault zones from time-lapse seismic reflection data: a model study, 69th annual EAGE meeting, London, P-061 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(263) Van der Neut, J., Sen, M.K., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, Seismic reflections at faults: a model study, 69th annual EAGE meeting, London, E-025 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(262) Angelov, P., Arts, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, 4D seismic pore pressure inversion: the effect of production induced overburden changes, 69th annual EAGE meeting, London, P-076 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(261) Tetyukhina, D., Luthi, S., Van Vliet, L., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, High resolution thin-bed inversion based on the Bayesian approach, 69th annual EAGE meeting, London, P-357 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(260) Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, General representations of electromagnetic interferometry, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, Naples, 8-11, pdf-file.

(259) Draganov, D., Van der Neut, J.R., Wapenaar, K., Mulder, W.A., Singer, J., and Verdel, A., 2007, Retrieval of reflections from seismic background-noise field data recorded in a desert area: SEG Summer Research Workshop 2007: Seismic noise: origins, prevention, mitigation, utilization, Antalya, Turkey, pdf-file.

(258) Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, Extraction of the Green's function from ambient fluctuations for general linear systems, 153rd meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Am., (Salt Lake City), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, p 3101. pdf-file.

(257) Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2007, Global-, teleseismic- and regional-scale Green's function retrieval: on the sampling of the surface integral, American Geophysical Union, 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco (S53B-1259), pdf-file.

(256) Ruigrok, E., Campman, X., Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Rondenay, S., 2007, Application of seismic interferometry to teleseismic array data, EGU, General Assembly 2007, Vienna, A-10593, pdf-file.

(255) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., Mulder, W.A., Singer, J., and Verdel, A., 2007, Retrieving reflection arrivals from seismic background-noise field data using seismic interferometry, EGU, General Assembly 2007, Vienna, A-07918, pdf-file.

(254) Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2007, Turning noise into signal: a paradox? Karlsruhe Workshop: Making Waves about Seismics – A tribute to Peter Hubral’s achievements, not only in geophysics (invited), Karlsruhe, pdf-file.

(253) Wapenaar, K., 2007, Seismic interferometry for passive and controlled source data (invited), Seminar at Shell, Rijswijk, pdf-file.

(252) Wapenaar, K., 2007, The green line of seismic wave theory and processing: The conceptual approach of understanding, Berkhout symposium, Delft, pdf-file.

(251) Wapenaar, K., 2007, Turning noise into signal: a paradox? (invited). Aardwetenschappelijke studievereniging Geovusie, VU Amsterdam, pdf-file.

(250) Wapenaar, K., 2007, De ondergrond Van Nederland onthuld door achtergrondruis (invited). Staringlezing, KNGMG, Delft, pdf-file.


(249) Wapenaar, K., 2006, Seismic interferometry for passive and exploration data: reconstruction of internal multiples, 76th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 2981-2984, pdf-file.

(248) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., Mulder, W., and Singer, J., 2006, Seismic interferometry on background-noise field data, 76th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 590-593, pdf-file.

(247) Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2006, Global-scale seismic interferometry: numerical validation of the acoustic correlation integral, 76th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 2196-2199, pdf-file.

(246) Thorbecke, J.W., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2006, From reflection to transmission data, 68th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, A-041 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(245) Ranada Shaw, A., Slob, E.C., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2006, Wellbore measurement simulations for the seismo-electric effect, 68th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, P-201 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(244) Slob, E., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, Let the FCC rules work for you: Turning commercial noise into useful data, GPR 2006: Eleventh International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Columbus Ohio, AIR.5 pdf-file.

(243) Slob, E., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, GPR without a source, GPR 2006: Eleventh International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Columbus Ohio, ANT.6 pdf-file.

(242) Wapenaar, K., 2006, Seismic interferometry for passive and exploration data, Proceedings of the 8th SEGJ International Symposium - Imaging and Interpretation, Kyoto, p 231-236, pdf-file.

(241) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., Mulder, W., Singer, J., and Verdel, A., 2006, Seismic interferometry applied to seismic background-noise field data, Proceedings of the 8th SEGJ International Symposium - Imaging and Interpretation, Kyoto, p 237-242, pdf-file.

(240) Slob, E., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, Interferometry for electromagnetic transients and noise recordings in lossy media, Proceedings of the 8th SEGJ International Symposium - Imaging and Interpretation, Kyoto, p 243-248, pdf-file.

(239) Van der Neut, J., Sen, M.K., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, Estimation of effective stress from seismic reflection coefficients at a non-welded interface, Jakarta 2006 International Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia, pdf-file.

(238) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., Mulder, W., Singer, J., and Verdel, A., 2006, Seismic interferometry applied to passive data, EAGE Workshop: Passive seismic, Dubai, pdf-file.

(237) Angelov, P.V., Arts, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, Pore pressure inversion using AVO information. The influence of overburden changes on pore pressure quantification, 2006 CSPG - CSEG - CWLS Convention, Canada, pdf-file.

(236) Draganov, D., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, Seismic Interferometry - Reconstruction of the Earth's elastodynamic reflection response, 8ste Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven, Nederland, pdf-file.

(235) Wapenaar, K., 2006, Seismic interferometry for passive and exploration data, EAGE Workshop: What Can EP Learn from Seismology and Vice Versa, 68th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, pdf-file.

(234) Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, Seismic Interferometry - Reconstruction of the Earth's Elastodynamic Reflection Response, EAGE Workshop: What Can EP Learn from Seismology and Vice Versa, 68th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, pdf-file.

(233) Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2006, Global scale seismic interferometry, EAGE Workshop: What Can EP Learn from Seismology and Vice Versa, 68th annual EAGE meeting, Vienna, pdf-file.

(232) Wapenaar, K., 2006, Seismic interferometry, with applications in passive reflection imaging (invited), EAGE Distinguished Lecture Programme, Oslo, pdf-file.

(231) Vesnaver, A., Wapenaar, K., and Liner, C., 2006, Tributes to Gerard Herman: The Leading Edge, Vol. 25, 1429-1430, pdf-file.

(230) Wapenaar, K., and Virieux, J., 2006, Special issue on E&P and seismology planned for Geoph. Prosp.: First Break, Vol. 24, 5-6, pdf-file.

(229) Wapenaar, K., 2006, Seismic interferometry for passive and exploration data (invited), CWP project review meeting, Golden, Colorado


(228) Wapenaar, K., 2005, Green's function representations for seismic interferometry, 75th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 2378-2381, pdf-file. (Top-25 nomination, SEG 2005)

(227) Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2005, Reconstruction of the elastodynamic reflection response in an inhomogeneous medium using cross-correlation, 75th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 1292-1295, pdf-file. (Top-25 nomination, SEG 2005)

(226) Van der Burg, D., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2005, Ray-based stochastic inversion for reservoir parameters using 1D convolutional forward modeling, 75th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 1441-1444, pdf-file. (Top-25 nomination, SEG 2005)

(225) Angelov, P.V., Spetzler, J., Arts, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2005, Modelling seismic time-lapse changes in the overburden and in the reservoir as a result of reservoir depletion, 75th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 2516-2519, pdf-file.

(224) Wapenaar, K., and Fokkema, J., 2005, Seismic interferometry, time-reversal and reciprocity, 67th annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, G-031 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(223) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2005, Seismic interferometry: reconstruction of the elastodynamic reflection response, 67th annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, G-032 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(222) Zhang, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2005, High-resolution depth imaging with sparse inversion, 67th annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, P-014 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(221) Angelov, P., Arts, R., Spetzler, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2005, Investigating the overburden effect on time-lapse seismic by geomechanical modelling, 67th annual EAGE meeting, Madrid, C-013 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(220) Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2005, Seismic interferometry, with applications in passive reflection imaging (invited), 149th meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Am., (Vancouver), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 117, p 2393. pdf-file.

(219) Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2005, Green function retrieval versus interferometric imaging, American Geophysical Union, 2005 Joint Assembly, New Orleans (S31A-05), pdf-file.

(218) Wapenaar, K., Drijkoningen, G., and Draganov, D., 2005, Passive seismic reflection imaging on the earth and on the moon, DGLR - International Symposium - ``To moon and beyond'', Bremen, pdf-file.

(217) Wapenaar, K., 2005, Correlation and representation theorems (invited), Seminar: Correlation of Seismic Waves and the Emergence of the Green Function, Grenoble

(216) Wapenaar, K., 2005, Seismic interferometry (invited), Seminar at Leiden University,

(215) Mehta, K.J., Snieder, R.K., Wapenaar, K., and Graizer, V.M., 2005, Source spacing in virtual source imaging / Analysis of Treasure Island earthquake data using seismic interferometry, SEG Workshop on Seismic interferometry, daylight imaging and time-reversal; 75th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.

(214) Slob, E., Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2005, Integral Green function representations of electromagnetic interferometry with applications for ground penetrating radar, SEG Workshop on Seismic interferometry, daylight imaging and time-reversal; 75th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.

(213) Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2005, Green's function representations for seismic interferometry, SEG Workshop on Seismic interferometry, daylight imaging and time-reversal; 75th annual SEG meeting, Houston, pdf-file.


(212) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., Van der Neut, J., and Thorbecke, J., 2004, Seismic interferometry: a comparison of approaches, 74th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 1981-1984, pdf-file.

(211) Frijlink, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2004, Migration with correction for transmission losses in arbitrary inhomogeneous media, 74th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 1029-1032, pdf-file.

(210) Angelov, P., Spetzler, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2004, Pore pressure and water saturation variations; Modification of Landro's AVO approach, 74th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 2279-2282, pdf-file.

(209) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., Artman, B. and Biondi, B., 2004, Migration methods for passive seismic data, 74th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 1123-1126 , pdf-file.

(208) Toxopeus, G., Petersen, S., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2004, Simulating high resolution inversion: decomposing the resolution function, 74th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 1798-1801, pdf-file.

(207) Van der Burg, D., Verdel, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2004, Ray-based stochastic inversion, 74th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 1607-1610, pdf-file.

(206) Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., and Fokkema, J., 2004, Reciprocity and power balance for partially coupled interfaces, 66th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, H-039 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(205) Artman, B., Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Biondi, B., 2004, Direct migration of passive seismic data , 66th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, P-075 (4 pages), pdf-file. (Cagniard Award for best poster, EAGE 2004)

(204) Verdel, A., Van der Burg, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2004, Ray-based stochastic inversion, 66th annual EAGE meeting, Paris, C-031 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(203) Draganov, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2004, Passive seismic imaging with noise sources in complex medium, Proceedings of the 7th SEGJ International Symposium - Imaging Technology, Sendai, p 150-155, pdf-file.

(202) Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2004, Retrieving the Green's function by cross-correlation: a comparison of approaches (invited), American Geophysical Union, 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco (S32A-01), pdf-file.

(201) Verdel, A., Van der Burg, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2004, Ray-based stochastic inversion, XXXII International Summer School - Conference ``advanced Problems in Mechanics'', St. Petersburg, Russia, 101-102, pdf-file.

(200) Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2004, Retrieving the elastodynamic Green's function of arbitrary inhomogeneous media by cross-correlation, Workshop: Waves in Complex Media, Twente University of Technology, pdf-file.

(199) Draganov, D., Artman, B, Wapenaar, K., and Biondi, B., 2004, Migration methods for passive seismic data, Workshop: Waves in Complex Media, Twente University of Technology, pdf-file.


(198) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2003, Passive seismic imaging in the presence of white noise sources: numerical simulations, 73rd annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 90-93, pdf-file. (Best student poster, SEG 2003),

(197) Toxopeus, G., Petersen, S., and Wapenaar, K., 2003, Improved geological modeling and interpretation by simulated migrated seismics, 73rd annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 1829-1832, pdf-file.

(196) Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2003, Improved extrapolation operator design with the WLSQ method, 73rd annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 1146-1149, pdf-file.

(195) Wapenaar, K., 2003, Relations between reflection and transmission responses of 3-D inhomogeneous media, 73rd annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 1873-1876, pdf-file.

(194) Frijlink, M.O., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2003, Multivalued operators: Limitations and improvements, 65th annual EAGE meeting, Stavanger, E-005 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(193) Toxopeus, G., Petersen, S., and Wapenaar, K., 2003, Improving geological modeling and interpretation by simulated migrated seismics, 65th annual EAGE meeting, Stavanger, F-034 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(192) Draganov, D., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2003, Synthesis of the reflection response from the transmission response in the presence of white noise sources, 65th annual EAGE meeting, Stavanger, P-218 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(191) Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Draganov, D., 2003, From reflection data to transmission coda, 65th annual EAGE meeting, Stavanger, P-142 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(190) Ranada Shaw, A., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2003, Wavefield composition and decomposition for the electrokinetic reflection, Proceedings of the 9th EEGS meeting, Prague, (4 pages), pdf-file.

(189) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., and Thorbecke, J., 2003, Relations between codas in reflection and transmission data and their applications in seismic imaging, Proceedings of the 6th SEGJ International Symposium - Imaging Technology, p 152-159, pdf-file.

(188) Swinnen, G., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Drijkoningen, G.G., 2003 , Seismics for tunnelling applications in soft soil: Adapted focusing techniques, ITA World Tunnelling Congress 2003 - Amsterdam (4 pages), pdf-file.

(187) Toxopeus, G., Wapenaar, K., Petersen, S., and Thorbecke, J., 2003, Computational aspects of simulated migrated seismics for fast improved geological modeling, ASCI Conference 2003, Heijen, The Netherlands, 128-135, pdf-file.

(186) Wapenaar, K., 2003, On the relation between codas in seismic reflection and transmission responses, Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Honolulu, p 52, pdf-file.

(185) Toxopeus, G., Dalman, R., Donselaar, M., Luthi, S., Petersen, S., Dreyer, T., and Wapenaar, K., 2003, Simulated migrated seismics for enhanced seismic modeling and geological interpretation of the Cook formation, Oseberg Field, offshore Norway, SEG Workshop on Matching 3-D Seismic Data with Modeling; 73rd annual SEG meeting, Dallas, pdf-file.


(184) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., Thorbecke, J., and Fokkema, J., 2002, Theory of acoustic daylight imaging revisited, 72nd annual SEG meeting, Salt Lake City, 2269-2272, pdf-file.

(183) Zhang, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2002, AVA correction for migration in highly discontinuous media, 72nd annual SEG meeting, Salt Lake City, 1380-1383 , pdf-file.

(182) Ranada Shaw, A., Van der Burg, D., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2002, The electro-kinetic effect: forward model and measurements, 72nd annual SEG meeting, Salt Lake City, 704-707 , pdf-file.

(181) Verhelst, F., and Wapenaar, K., 2002, Scale-dependency of Thomsen parameters for layers with intermediate thickness, 72nd annual SEG meeting, Salt Lake City, 1947-1950 , pdf-file.

(180) Wapenaar, K., Draganov, D., and Fokkema, J., 2002, Codas in reflection and transmission responses and their mutual relations, 64th annual EAGE meeting, Florence, C-030 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(179) Van der Kruk, J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., Fokkema, J.T., and Van den Berg, P.M., 2002, Three-dimensional imaging of multi-component ground-penetrating radar data, PIERS 2002: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, July 1 - 5, 2002, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Book of Abstracts, p. 430., pdf-file.

(178) Denneman, A.I.M., and Wapenaar, K., 2002, A review of Biot's elastic coefficients, 2nd Biot conference on poromechanics, 26-28 August 2002, Grenoble, pdf-file.


(177) Wapenaar, K., Dillen, M. and Fokkema, J., 2001, Elastodynamic reciprocity theorems for time-lapse seismic methods, 71st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 2053-2056, pdf-file.

(176) Zhang, J., Wapenaar, K., and Verschuur, E., 2001, 3-D depth migration in VTI media with explicit extrapolation operators , 71st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 1085-1088, pdf-file.

(175) Mercerat, E.D., Wapenaar, K., Fokkema, J., and Dillen, M., 2001, Pressure-dependent scaling behaviour of the transmission response of reservoir rocks, 71st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 1756-1759, pdf-file.

(174) Ranada Shaw, A., Van der Burg, D., Denneman, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2001, The electro-kinetic effect for compressional and shear waves, 71st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 1405-1408 , pdf-file.

(173) Swinnen, G., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., and Drijkoningen, G., 2001 , Design of asymmetric operators using a weighted least-squares approximation, 71st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 2093-2096, pdf-file.

(172) Schalkwijk, K.M., Verschuur, D.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2001, A decomposition and multiple removal strategy for multicomponent OBC data, 71st annual SEG meeting, San Antonio, 813-816, pdf-file.

(171) Poot, H., Fokkema, J.T., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2001, A causality based imaging method, 63rd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, A-031 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(170) Mercerat, E.D., Wapenaar, K., Fokkema, J., Swinnen, G., and Dillen, M., 2001, Scaling behaviour of the transmission response of reservoir rock: measurements, theory and numerical simulation, 63rd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, N-018 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(169) Ranada Shaw, A., Van der Burg, D., Denneman, A., and Wapenaar, K., 2001, Forward modelling for electro-kinetic effects, 63rd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, P-031 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(168) Fokkema, J., Wapenaar, K., Dillen, M. and Schalkwijk, K., 2001, Elastodynamic reciprocity theorems for time-lapse seismic methods, 63rd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, P-669 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(167) Van Zanen, L.F., Drijkoningen, G.G., Brouwer, J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Fokkema, J.T., 2001, Removing Love waves and their scattering in the shallow subsurface, 63rd annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, P-162 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(166) Mercerat, E.D., Wapenaar, K., Fokkema, J., and Dillen, M., 2001, The effect of in-situ stress on the acoustic transmission response of sandstone rocks, The seventh international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, SBGf, p 923-926 , pdf-file.

(165) Denneman, A.I.M., Drijkoningen, G.G., Smeulders, D.M.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2001, Reflection and transmission of waves at a fluid/porous-medium boundary, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical and Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Porous Materials, Stuttgart, 343-350, pdf-file.

(164) Wapenaar, K., 2001, On Imaging Technology in Japan and Taxi Drivers in The Netherlands; Review of the 5th International Symposium of the SEG of Japan: First Break, Vol. 19, 167-168. pdf-file.

(163) Van der Kruk, J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Fokkema, J.T., 2001, Comparison of resolution functions of 3-D multi-component and 3-D single component imaging algorithms for ground penetrating radar data, Proceedings of the 5th SEGJ International Symposium - Imaging Technology, p 229-236, pdf-file.

(162) Poot, H., Fokkema, J.T., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2001, A layer-stripping inversion method employing a causality based imaging condition, Proceedings of the 5th SEGJ International Symposium - Imaging Technology, p 75-80, pdf-file.

(161) Wapenaar, K., Fokkema, J., Mercerat, E.D., Swinnen, G., and Dillen, M., 2001, Scaling behaviour of the transmission response of reservoir rock, 2001 EAGE-SEG Research Workshop ``Reservoir Rocks'', April 30 - May 4, 2001, Pau, France, p Pau63-1 - Pau63-2, pdf-file.

(160) Fokkema, J.T., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2001, Integration between 4D and reservoir fluid flow properties, Introduction to the EAGE Workshop on Integration between 4D and reservoir fluid flow properties, June 11, 2001, Amsterdam, pdf-file.

(159) Fokkema, J.T., Wapenaar, C.P.A., Mercerat, E.D., Dillen, M.W.P., and Swinnen, G., 2001, Scaling behaviour of the transmission response of reservoir rock, EAGE Workshop on Integration between 4D and reservoir fluid flow properties, June 11, 2001, Amsterdam, pdf-file.

(158) Dillen, M.W.P., Fokkema, J.T., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2001, Recursive elimination of temporal contrasts between time-lapse acoustic wave fields, EAGE Workshop on Integration between 4D and reservoir fluid flow properties, June 11, 2001, Amsterdam, pdf-file.

(157) Ferreira, M.S., Bauer, G.E.W., and Wapenaar, K., 2001, Recursive Green functions technique applied to acoustic wave propagation, 141st meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Am., J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 109, p 2353. pdf-file.

(156) Wapenaar, K., Dillen, M., and Fokkema, J., 2001, Applying one-way reciprocity theorems in time-lapse seismic imaging, Karlsruhe Workshop on Seismic True Amplitudes, Karlsruhe, pdf-file.

(155) Dillen, M., Wapenaar, K., and Goudswaard, J., 2001, Generalized primary propagator estimation from walkaway VSP data, Karlsruhe Workshop on Seismic True Amplitudes, Karlsruhe, pdf-file.


(154) Wapenaar, K., Fokkema, J., Dillen, M. and Scherpenhuijsen, P., 2000, One-way acoustic reciprocity and its applications in multiple elimination and time-lapse seismics, 70th annual SEG meeting, Calgary, 2377-2380, pdf-file.

(153) Van Zanen, L.F., Drijkoningen, G.G., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Fokkema, J.T., 2000, Removal of Love waves without the use of a structural subsurface model, 70th annual SEG meeting, Calgary, 1299-1302, pdf-file.

(152) Schalkwijk, K.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Verschuur, D.J., 2000, Decomposition of multicomponent ocean-bottom data: inversion for the sub-bottom parameters, 70th annual SEG meeting, Calgary, 1205-1208, pdf-file.

(151) Dillen, M., Fokkema, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2000, Convolution type interaction of time-lapse acoustic wave fields, 70th annual SEG meeting, Calgary, 2381-2384, pdf-file.

(150) Goudswaard, J., Dillen, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2000, Multiangle processing and multiscale characterization of walkaway VSP data, 70th annual SEG meeting, Calgary, 178-181, pdf-file.

(149) Wapenaar, K., Fokkema, J., and Dillen, M., 2000, Seismic applications of one-way acoustic reciprocity, 62nd annual EAGE meeting, Glasgow, C-51 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(148) Van Zanen, L.F., Wapenaar, C.P.A., Drijkoningen, G.G., and Fokkema, J.T., 2000, Removal of Love waves, using a data driven approach, Proceedings of the 6th EEGS meeting, Bochum, SE10 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(147) Van der Kruk, J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Fokkema, J.T., 2000, Comparison of 3-D imaging algorithms for ground penetrating radar data, Proceedings of the 6th EEGS meeting, Bochum, GR02 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(146) Van der Kruk, J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Fokkema, J.T., 2000, Multi-component 3-D imaging of ground penetrating radar data using matrix inversion in the spatial Fourier domain, GPR 2000: Eighth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Gold Coast, Australia, p 508-513, pdf-file.

(145) Wapenaar, K., Dillen, M., and Fokkema, J., 2000, Reciprocity theorem for one-way electromagnetic and acoustic wave fields in inhomogeneous media with losses, Waves2000: Fifth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, p 942-946, pdf-file.

(144) Denneman, A.I.M., Drijkoningen, G.G., Smeulders, D.M.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2000, Reflection and transmission of waves at an impermeable interface between a fluid and a porous medium, Waves2000: Fifth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, p 133-137, pdf-file.

(143) Ranada Shaw, A., Denneman, A.I.M., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 2000, Porosity and permeability effects on the seismo-electric reflection, Paris2000: Proceedings of the Joint conference of the EAGE and SAID on `Petrophysics meets Geophysics', Paris, P-10 (8 pages) , pdf-file.


(142) Van Zanen, L.F., Fokkema, J.T., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Drijkoningen, G.G., 1999, Removal of surface effects, using elastic reciprocity, 69th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 536-539, pdf-file.

(141) Wapenaar, K., Van Wijngaarden, A.J., and Goudswaard, J., 1999, Multi-angle, multi-scale inversion of migrated seismic data: an overview, 69th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 1544-1547, pdf-file.

(140) Wapenaar, K., and Fokkema, J., 1999, Reciprocity theorems for full and one-way wave fields, 61st annual EAGE meeting, Helsinki, P016 (4 pages), pdf-file.

(139) Wapenaar, K., and Fokkema, J., 1999, Reflection and transmission properties of self-similar interfaces, The sixth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, SBGf 324 , pdf-file.

(138) Fokkema, J., Wapenaar, K., and Dillen, M., 1999, Reciprocity theorems for time-lapse seismics based on the full and one-way wave equations, The sixth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, SBGf 325 , pdf-file.

(137) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Goudswaard, J.C.M., and Fokkema, J.T., 1999, Reflectivity of self-similar interfaces, EGS, XXIV General Assembly, The Hague, Vol. 1, p 764, pdf-file.

(136) Wapenaar, K., and Goudswaard, J., 1999, Reflection and transmission coefficients of self-similar interfaces, Fourth International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Trieste, p 63, pdf-file.

(135) Schalkwijk, K.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Verschuur, D.J., 1999, Adaptive decomposition of 4-C ocean bottom data into up- and downgoing P- and S-waves - Application to data from the Snorre field, FORCE seminar ``Maximizing the value of marine multicomponent seismic data'', September 28-29, 1999, Stavanger, pdf-file.


(134) Wapenaar, K., and Grimbergen, J.L.T., 1998, A discussion on stability analysis of wave field depth extrapolation, 68th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 1716-1719, pdf-file.

(133) Schalkwijk, K., Wapenaar, K., and Verschuur, E., 1998, Decomposition of multicomponent ocean-bottom data in two steps, 68th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 1425-1428, pdf-file.

(132) Goudswaard, J., and Wapenaar, K., 1998, Characterization of reflectors by multi-scale amplitude and phase analysis of seismic data, 68th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 1688-1691, pdf-file.

(131) Smit, R., Fokkema, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 1998, Velocity replacement techniques in inhomogeneous media, 68th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, 1661-1664, pdf-file.

(130) Fokkema, J., Smit, R., and Wapenaar, K., 1998, Homogenization through velocity replacement in inhomogeneous acoustic media, 60th annual EAGE meeting, Leipzig, p 5.39, pdf-file.

(129) Wapenaar, K., 1998, Reflection and transmission coefficients of self-similar interfaces, 60th annual EAGE meeting, Leipzig, p 5.49, pdf-file.

(128) Vos, J., Wapenaar, K., and Verschuur, E., 1998, Deconvolution and multiple elimination to enhance temporal resolution in ultrasonic volume-scan measurements, Proceedings of the IIIrd International Workshop - advances in Signal Processing for NDE of Materials, The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc., Editor: X.P.V. Maldague, p. 19-25 , pdf-file.

(127) Vos, J., Verschuur, E., and Wapenaar, K., 1998, Inverse wave theory-based algorithms for the ultrasonic inspection of thin laminated materials, based on reflection measurements, International Conference on Computer Methods and Inverse Problems in Nondestructive Testing and Diagnostics, October 20-23, 1998, Minsk, p 539-546, pdf-file.


(126) Vos, J., Verschuur, E. and Wapenaar, K., 1997, The use of full waveform reflection measurements on thin-layered laminates, World Congress on Ultrasonics 1997, Yokohama, Japan, pdf-file.

(125) Van der Heiden, M.S., Robers, M.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., Faber, G., Ongkiehong, L., and Berkhout, A.J., 1997, Two-way characterization of high frequency ultrasonic transducers, Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, June 2-4, 1997, Washington DC; in: Ultrasonic imaging, Vol. 19 (1), p 67-68, pdf-file.

(124) Vos, J., Wapenaar, K., and Verschuur, E., 1997, An inverse model to enhance ultrasonic inspection of fibre-metal laminates, Euromech colloquium 369, September 23-26, 1997, Delft University of Technology, pdf-file.

(123) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1997, Multi-scale AVA analysis, 67th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 218-221, pdf-file.

(122) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Fokkema, J.T., and Thorbecke, J.W., 1997, Inverse wavefield extrapolation revisited: limitations of single- and multi-valued operators, 67th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 1509-1512, pdf-file.

(121) Ala'i, R., Berkhout, A.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Robertsson, J.O.A. ,1997, Pseudo VSP's: A 3-D case study, 67th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 286-289, pdf-file.

(120) Berkhout, A.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Verschuur, D.J., 1997, Migration of mode-converted seismic data, 67th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 1595-1598, pdf-file.

(119) Schalkwijk, K.M., Verschuur, D.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1997, Decomposition of ocean-bottom cable (OBC) data, 67th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 8-11, pdf-file.

(118) Goudswaard, J.C.M., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1997, Resolving well-log singularities from seismic data, 67th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 150-153, pdf-file.

(117) Van Geloven, W.J.F., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1997, Elastic imaging in finely layered media, 67th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 142-145, pdf-file.

(116) Beishuizen, J., Dillen, M., Fokkema, J., and Wapenaar, K., 1997, A proposal for 4-D seismic imaging, 67th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, 1897-1900, pdf-file.

(115) Wapenaar, K., Van Geloven, W., and Goudswaard, J., 1997, Modeling, imaging and characterization of self-similar reflectors, 59th annual EAGE meeting, Geneva, p E017, pdf-file.

(114) Berkhout, A.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Verschuur, D.J., 1997, Seismic imaging by means of two separate focusing step. Part II: Migration of multi-component data, 59th annual EAGE meeting, Geneva, p A002, pdf-file.

(113) Fokkema, J., Dillen, M., and Wapenaar, K., 1997, A proposal for 4-D seismic imaging, 59th annual EAGE meeting, Geneva, p B041, pdf-file.

(112) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Goudswaard, J.C.M., Van Geloven W.J.F., and Fokkema, J.T., 1997, Multi-scale analysis of well-logs and of seismic reflection data, The fifth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Sao Paulo, p 385-388, pdf-file.

(111) Dillen, M., Fokkema, J., and Wapenaar, K., 1997, A proposal for time-lapse seismic imaging, The fifth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Sao Paulo, p 172-176, pdf-file.

(110) Van Geloven, W.J.F., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1997, Improved AVA imaging in complex media, Karlsruhe Workshop on Amplitude-Preserving Seismic Reflection Imaging, Seeheim, Germany, p 10, pdf-file.


(109) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1996, AVA for self-scaling interfaces, 66th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 1735-1738, pdf-file.

(108) Van Geloven, W.J.F., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1996, Improved AVA imaging in laterally varying media, 66th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 1723-1726, pdf-file.

(107) Dessing, F.J., Hoekstra, E.V., Herrmann, F.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1996, Multiscale edge detection by means of multiscale migration, 66th annual SEG meeting, Denver, 459-462, pdf-file.

(106) Wapenaar, K., Van der Leij, T., Van Geloven, W., and Van Wijngaarden, A.J., 1996, Compensating for the effects of fine-layering on AVA, 58th annual EAGE meeting, Amsterdam, p C035, pdf-file.

(105) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Van Geloven, W.J.F., 1996, Migration in finely layered media, SEG Summer Research Workshop, Big Sky, Montana, pdf-file.


(104) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Grimbergen, J.L.T., and Dessing, F.J., 1995, One-way operators in laterally varying media, 65th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 1141-1144, pdf-file.

(103) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Van der Leij, T.S., and Van Wijngaarden, A.J., 1995, AVA and the effects of interference, 65th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 1125-1128, pdf-file.

(102) Dessing, F.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1995, Efficient migration with one-way operators in the wavelet transform domain, 65th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 1240-1243, pdf-file.

(101) Van Wijngaarden, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1995 , Residue analysis in linearized elastic inversion, 65th annual SEG meeting, Houston, 647-650, pdf-file.

(100) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Dessing, F.J., 1995, Decomposition of one-way representations and one-way operators, 57th annual EAGE meeting, Glasgow, p C031, pdf-file.

(99) Grimbergen, J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Dessing, F.J., 1995, One-way operators in laterally varying media, 57th annual EAGE meeting, Glasgow, p C032, pdf-file.

(98) Ala'i, R, and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1995, The generation of pseudo VSP data from land data, 57th annual EAGE meeting, Glasgow, p P075, pdf-file.

(97) Ala'i, R., Rietveld, W.E.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1995, From seismic surface measurements to pseudo VSP data: a new tool in 3-D seismic interpretation, The first Latin American geophysical conference and exposition of the Latin American Geophysical Union and the fourth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, p 451-455, pdf-file.

(96) Fokkema, J.T., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1995, Hierarchical decomposition and its application in seismic inversion and migration, The first Latin American geophysical conference and exposition of the Latin American Geophysical Union and the fourth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, p 464-467, pdf-file.

(95) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Rietveld, W.E.A., 1995, Invited lecture: Spatial resolution of 3-D downward extrapolation of incomplete data, The first Latin American geophysical conference and exposition of the Latin American Geophysical Union and the fourth international congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, p 700-704, pdf-file.

(94) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1995, Acoustic one-way wave theory in highly heterogeneous media and its application in acoustic imaging, 3rd International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hamburg, p 82, pdf-file.

(93) Dessing, F.J., Grimbergen, J.T., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1995, Fast transforms and eigenvalue decomposition of the one-way wave equation, 3rd International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hamburg, p 266, pdf-file.


(92) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1994, Two-way and one-way representations of seismic data for highly heterogeneous media, 64th annual SEG meeting, Los Angeles, 1430-1433, pdf-file.

(91) Dessing, F.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1994, Wave field extrapolation using the wavelet transform, 64th annual SEG meeting, Los Angeles, 1355-1358, pdf-file.

(90) Ala'i, R., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1994, The generation of pseudo VSP data: Field data example, 64th annual SEG meeting, Los Angeles, 463-466, pdf-file.

(89) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1994, The generalized primary representation of 3-D seismic data from highly heterogeneous media, 56th annual EAEG meeting, Vienna, p G010, pdf-file.

(88) Slot, R.E., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1994, Extending the macro model by incorporating fine-layering propagation effects, 56th annual EAEG meeting, Vienna, p G009, pdf-file.

(87) Dessing, F.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1994, Wave field extrapolation in the space-wavenumber domain, 56th annual EAEG meeting, Vienna, p H032, pdf-file.

(86) Ala'i, R, and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1994, From seismic surface measurements to pseudo VSP data, 56th annual EAEG meeting, Vienna, p G025, pdf-file.


(85) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Herrmann, F.J., 1993, True amplitude migration taking fine layering into account, 63rd annual SEG meeting, Washington, 653-656, pdf-file.

(84) Herrmann, F.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1993, Wave propagation in finely layered media, a parametric approach, 63rd annual SEG meeting, Washington, 909-912, pdf-file.

(83) Dessing, F.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1993, Wave field extrapolation in the wavenumber domain, taking lateral variations into account, 63rd annual SEG meeting, Washington, 226-229, pdf-file.

(82) Ala'i, R., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1993, Transformation of surface data into VSP data, 63rd annual SEG meeting, Washington, 143-146, pdf-file.

(81) Fokkema, J.T., Van Vroonhoven, M.W.L., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and de Bruin, C.G.M., 1993, The reflectivity operator for curved interfaces, 63rd annual SEG meeting, Washington, 218-221, pdf-file.

(80) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Herrmann, F.J., 1993, True amplitude migration taking fine layering into account, 55th annual EAEG meeting, Stavanger, p C041, pdf-file.


(79) Herrmann, F.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Macro description of fine layering: Proposal for an extended macro model, 62nd annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, p 1263-1266, pdf-file.

(78) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Reciprocity and representation theorems for one-way wave fields in fluids and solids, 124th meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Am., (New Orleans), p 2295. pdf-file.

(77) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Wave equation based seismic processing: in which domain?, 54th annual EAEG meeting, Paris, p 116-117, pdf-file.

(76) Herrmann, F.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, The generalised primary and its wavelet transform, 54th annual EAEG meeting, Paris, p 158-159, pdf-file.

(75) Haime, G.C., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, The sensitivity of P and S amplitudes for elastic macro model errors, 54th annual EAEG meeting, Paris, p 536-537, pdf-file.

(74) Rietveld, W.E.A., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Target oriented migration by means of controlled illumination, 54th annual EAEG meeting, Paris, p 538-539, pdf-file.

(73) Thorbecke, J.W., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1992, Weathered layer corrections in combination with wave field decomposition, 54th annual EAEG meeting, Paris, p 558-559, pdf-file.

(72) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Fokkema, J.T., and Herman, G.C., 1992, Forward and inverse wave propagation at Delft University, SEG/Moscow conference, p 456-457, pdf-file.


(71) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Haime, G.C., and Berkhout, A.J., 1991, Elastic wave field decomposition: before or after downward extrapolation?, 61st annual SEG meeting, Houston, p 1001-1004, pdf-file.

(70) De Bruin, C.G.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1991, Target oriented tau-p gathers for AVO inversion, 61st annual SEG meeting, Houston, p 1095-1097, pdf-file.

(69) Rietveld, W.E.A., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1991, Controlled illumination of hydrocarbon reservoirs, 61st annual SEG meeting, Houston, p 1281-1284, pdf-file.

(68) Verschuur, D.J., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1991, Surface related multiple elimination: application on real data, 61st annual SEG meeting, Houston, p 1476-1479, pdf-file.

(67) Berkhout, A.J., Haime, G.C., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1991, A systems approach to seismic inversion, 61st annual SEG meeting, Houston, p 887-889, pdf-file.

(66) Rietveld, W.E.A., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1991, Controlled seismic illumination of hydrocarbon reservoirs, 53rd annual EAEG meeting, Florence, p 126-127, pdf-file.

(65) Herrmann, P., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1991, A unified formulation of wave field decomposition: theory and examples, 53rd annual EAEG meeting, Florence, p 224-225, pdf-file.

(64) Haime, G.C., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1991, Downward extrapolation of decomposed P and S wave fields, 53rd annual EAEG meeting, Florence, p 226-227, pdf-file.

(63) Kremer, S.R.G., Fokkema, J.T., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1991, Extrapolation operators by beam tracing, 53rd annual EAEG meeting, Florence, p 272-273, pdf-file.

(62) Berkhout, A.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and de Bruin, C.G.M., 1991, Reflectivity revisited, 53rd annual EAEG meeting, Florence, p 276-277, pdf-file.

(61) Herrmann, F.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1991, Parameterisation of detail in macro models, 53rd annual EAEG meeting, Florence, p 314-315, pdf-file.

(60) Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1991, Seismic inversion in steps (invited), Carl Heiland lecture at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO,


(59) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Cox, H.L.H., and Berkhout, A.J., 1990, Full elastic redatuming of multi-component seismic data, 52nd annual EAEG meeting, Copenhagen, p 201, pdf-file.

(58) Fokkema, J.T., Kremer, S.R.G., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1990, Beam tracing for migration and inversion, 52nd annual EAEG meeting, Copenhagen, p 114, pdf-file.

(57) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1990, Seismic inversion in steps, 52nd annual EAEG meeting, Copenhagen, p 83, pdf-file.

(56) De Bruin, C.G.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1990, Multi-offset migration for angle-dependent reflectivity, 52nd annual EAEG meeting, Copenhagen, p 119, pdf-file.

(55) Herrmann, P., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1990, Surface related preprocessing of multi-component seismic data, 52nd annual EAEG meeting, Copenhagen, p 184, pdf-file.

(54) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Verschuur, D.J., and Herrmann, P., 1990, Amplitude pre-processing of 2-D seismic data, 60th annual SEG meeting, San Francisco, p 1491-1494, pdf-file.

(53) Herrmann, P., Haime, G.C., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1990, Elastic wave field decomposition, 60th annual SEG meeting, San Francisco, p 1093-1096, pdf-file.

(52) De Bruin, C.G.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1990, Imaging for angle dependent reflectivity in the presence of dip, 60th annual SEG meeting, San Francisco, p 1503-1506, pdf-file.

(51) Verschuur, D.J., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1990, Surface related multiple elimination in the presence of near surface anomalies, 60th annual SEG meeting, San Francisco, p 1622-1625, pdf-file.

(50) Cox, H.L.H., Blacquiere, G., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1990, Estimation of macro P and S velocity models, Proceedings of the EAGE/SEG research workshop: Estimation and practical use of seismic velocities, Cambridge, England, p 40-50, pdf-file.


(49) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1989, From shot records to rock and pore paramaters, the Delphi approach, 51st annual EAEG meeting, Berlin, p 136, pdf-file.

(48) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Budejicky, V., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Gaussian beam modeling of migration operators, 51st annual EAEG meeting, Berlin, p 94, pdf-file.

(47) Blacquiere, G., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Fast wave-theory based zero-offset modeling in 3D, 51st annual EAEG meeting, Berlin, p 121, pdf-file.

(46) Verschuur, D.J., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1989, Effective wavelet estimation by multiple elimination, 51st annual EAEG meeting, Berlin, p 81, pdf-file.

(45) Herrmann, P., Verschuur, D.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Decomposition of multi-component seismic data into primary P- and S-wave responses, 51st annual EAEG meeting, Berlin, p 69, pdf-file.

(44) Van der Schoot, A., Duijndam, A.J.W., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Common reflection point stacking: a model driven approach to DMO, 51st annual EAEG meeting, Berlin, 71, pdf-file.

(43) Cox, H.L.H., Kinneging, N.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Efficient macro model estimation, 59th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, p 1229-1232, pdf-file.

(42) Verschuur, D.J., Berkhout, A.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1989, Wavelet estimation by prestack multiple elimination, 59th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, p 1129-1132, pdf-file.

(41) Herrmann, P., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Seismic preprocessing in terms of wave field decomposition at the surface, 59th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, p 1312-1315 , pdf-file.

(40) Haime, G.C., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1989, Inverse elastic wave field extrapolation, 59th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, p 1323-1325, pdf-file.

(39) De Bruin, C.G.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, C.P.A., 1989, True amplitude inverse wave field extrapolation, 59th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, p 1262-1265, pdf-file.

(38) Van der Schoot, A., Duijndam, A.J.W., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1989, Common reflection point stacking: a macro model driven approach to DMO, 59th annual SEG meeting, Dallas, p 1136-1139, pdf-file.


(37) Haime, G.C., de Bruin, C.G.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, Modeling and migration of elastic data, 50th annual EAEG meeting, The Hague, p 56, pdf-file.

(36) Cox, H.L.H., Ooms, F.P.J., Van der Schoot, A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, Verification of macro subsurface models using a shot record approach, 50th annual EAEG meeting, The Hague, p 65, pdf-file.

(35) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1988, One-way versions of the Kirchhoff integral for acoustic data, 50th annual EAEG meeting, The Hague, p 68, pdf-file.

(34) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, One-way versions of the Kirchhoff integral for elastic data, 50th annual EAEG meeting, The Hague, p 69, pdf-file.

(33) Verschuur, D.J., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1988, Elimination of surface related multiples: a wave theory based solution, 50th annual EAEG meeting, The Hague, p 79, pdf-file.

(32) Van der Schoot, A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, Common reflection point stacking: a model driven approach to DMO, 50th annual EAEG meeting, The Hague, p 39, pdf-file.

(31) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1988, Delft philosophy on inversion of elastic data, 58th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, p 831-833, pdf-file.

(30) Cox, H.L.H., Ooms, F.P.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, Verification of macro subsurface models using a shot record approach, 58th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, p 904-908, pdf-file.

(29) Blacquiere, G., Debeye, H.W.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, Three-dimensional table driven migration, 58th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, p 979-982, pdf-file.

(28) Verschuur, D.J., Herrmann, P., Kinneging, N.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, Elimination of surface related multiply reflected and converted waves, 58th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, p 1017-1020, pdf-file.

(27) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Berkhout, A.J., and Haime, G.C., 1988, Acoustic and elastic Kirchhoff integrals for primary wave field extrapolation, 58th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, p 1066-1069, pdf-file.

(26) De Bruin, C.G.M., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, Angle-dependent reflectivity by shot record migration, 58th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, p 1093-1096, pdf-file.

(25) Kinneging, N.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, Efficient approach to 3-D prestack redatuming, 58th annual SEG meeting, Anaheim, p 431-433, pdf-file.


(24) Vrolijk, P.D., Kinneging, N.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1987, VSP simulation from surface data, 49th annual EAEG meeting, Belgrade, p 88, pdf-file.

(23) Berkhout, A.J., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and de Haas, J.C., 1987, Multi-dimensional seismic inversion for reflection coefficients and elastic parameters, 49th annual EAEG meeting, Belgrade, p 97, pdf-file.

(22) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1987, The influence of frequency content and aperture range on seismic inversion results, 49th annual EAEG meeting, Belgrade, p 98, pdf-file.

(21) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Peels, G.L., and Berkhout, A.J., 1987, True amplitude inverse wave field extrapolation. Part I: Inverse operators for primary waves, 49th annual EAEG meeting, Belgrade, p 98, pdf-file.

(20) Peels, G.L., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1987, True amplitude inverse wave field extrapolation. Part II: Application in redatuming , 49th annual EAEG meeting, Belgrade, p 99, pdf-file.

(19) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1987, Full prestack versus shot record migration, 57th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, p 761-764, pdf-file.

(18) Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1987, A frequency domain formulation of linearized inversion problems, 57th annual SEG meeting, New Orleans, p 817-820, pdf-file.


(17) Vogel, J.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., Stelwagen, U., and Berkhout, A.J., 1986, Seismic data collection by 3-D Physical model experiments for land and marine environments, 48th annual EAEG meeting, Ostend, p 1, pdf-file.

(16) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1986, Three-dimensional target-oriented pre-stack migration, 48th annual EAEG meeting, Ostend, p 3, pdf-file.

(15) Wapenaar, C.P.A., Blacquiere, G., Kinneging, N.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1986, Practical aspects of 3-D prestack migration, 56th SEG meeting, Houston, p 436-438, pdf-file.

(14) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1986, A novel approach to 3-D seismic processing, Eusipco-meeting, The Hague, p 1209-1210, pdf-file.


(13) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1985, Three-dimensional migration. I: Prestack downward extrapolation by single-shot record inversion, 47th annual EAEG meeting, Budapest, p 33, pdf-file.

(12) Blacquiere, G., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1985, Three-dimensional migration. II: Recursive poststack extrapolation and imaging, 47th annual EAEG meeting, Budapest, p 33, pdf-file.

(11) Kinneging, N.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1985, Principle of full prestack two-way wave equation migration, 47th annual EAEG meeting, Budapest, p 78, pdf-file.

(10) Van der Schoot, A., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1985, An overview of prestack migration methods, 47th annual EAEG meeting, Budapest, p 79, pdf-file.

(9) Harwijanto, J.A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1985, VSP migration by single-shot record inversion, 47th annual EAEG meeting, Budapest, p 137, pdf-file.

(8) Van der Schoot, A., Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1985, A critical discussion on prestack migration techniques, 55th SEG meeting, Washington, p 309-312, pdf-file.

(7) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1985, Principle of prestack migration based on the full elastic two-way wave equation, 55th SEG meeting, Washington, p 312-314 , pdf-file.

(6) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1985, Three-dimensional prestack migration by single shot record inversion, 55th SEG meeting, Washington, p 314-316, pdf-file.


(5) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1984, Wave field extrapolation techniques for inhomogeneous media which include critical angle events. I: One-way extrapolation operators, 46th annual EAEG meeting, London, p 64, pdf-file.

(4) Parrod, Y.E., and Wapenaar, C.P.A., 1984, Wave field extrapolation techniques for inhomogeneous media which include critical angle events. II: Applications in modeling, migration and inversion, 46th annual EAEG meeting, London, p 64, pdf-file.

(3) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1984, Principle of pre-stack migration based on the two-way wave equation, 54th SEG meeting, Atlanta, p 707-709, pdf-file.


(2) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1983, A Wave theoretical approach to the elimination of near surface anomalies, 45th annual EAEG meeting, Oslo, p 55, pdf-file.

(1) Wapenaar, C.P.A., and Berkhout, A.J., 1983, Preprocessing of non-hyperbolic move-out data in CMP gathers, 53rd SEG meeting, Las Vegas, p 269-271, pdf-file.

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