Beyond seismic interferometry

What is beyond seismic interferometry?

Seismic interferometry is the methodology by which new seismic responses are created by crosscorrelating seismic observations at different receiver locations. No information about the medium is needed, but a receiver is required at the position where one wants to create the virtual source. The papers on this webpage address the question how to obtain the response to a virtual source inside an inhomogeneous 3D Earth from reflection data acquired at the surface, hence, without needing a receiver at the position of the virtual source. One of the main applications is so-called Marchenko imaging, which fully accounts for internal multiples. Interested? Click on the picture above for a brief overview, or watch one of the E-lectures, indicated below.

Field data applications

Zhang, L., and Slob, E., 2020, A field data example of Marchenko multiple elimination: Geophysics, Vol. 85 (2), S65-S70.

Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Monitoring of induced distributed double-couple sources using Marchenko-based virtual receivers: Solid Earth, Vol. 10, 1301-1319. Online paper html-link

Staring, M., Pereira, R., Douma, H., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Source-receiver Marchenko redatuming on field data using an adaptive double-focusing method: Geophysics, Vol. 83 (6), S579-S590.


Do we need up/down decomposition for Marchenko imaging? (2021, SEG presentation)

Theory for Marchenko imaging of marine seismic data with free surface multiple elimination (2019)

Virtual Seismology: monitoring the subsurface with virtual sources and receivers (2019)

Data-driven Green's function retrieval from reflection data (2015)


Geophysics Bright Spots: An alternate view of the Marchenko focusing function (2022)

Geophysics Bright Spots: Implementation of the Marchenko multiple elimination algorithm (2021)

Geophysics Bright Spots: Data-driven internal multiple elimination and its consequences for imaging: A comparison of strategies (2019)

Geophysics Bright Spots: Marchenko imaging: Imaging with primaries, internal multiples, and free-surface multiples (2015)

Geophysics Bright Spots: Marchenko imaging (2014)

Physics spotlight article: Focus: A Better View Underground (2013)

Project Virtual Seismology

PhD theses on the Marchenko method

Shoja, A., 2023, Target-oriented seismic imaging and inversion with Marchenko redatuming and double-focusing

Van IJsseldijk, J.E., 2023, Time-lapse monitoring with virtual seismology: Applications of the Marchenko method for observing time-lapse changes in subsurface reservoirs

Brackenhoff, J., 2021, Monitoring and forecasting of seismic wavefields in the subsurface

Staring, M., 2020, Adaptive Marchenko internal multiple attenuation

Reinicke Urruticoechea, C., 2020, Elastodynamic Marchenko inverse scattering: A multiple-elimination strategy for imaging of elastodynamic seismic reflection data

Zhang, L., 2019, Acoustic multiple reflection elimination in the image domain and in the data domain

Journal papers

Copyright: The authors and the publishers: Acoustical Society of America (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA Express Letters), American Geophysical Union (Journal of Geophysical Research, Chinese Journal of Geophysics), American Physical Society (Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters), Elsevier (Computers & Geosciences, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Wave Motion), EM Academy (Progress In Electromagnetics Research M), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (Geophysical Prospecting), European Geosciences Union (Solid Earth), Hindawi Publishing Corporation (Advances in Mathematical Physics), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control), IOP Publishing (EPL (Europhysics Letters)), MDPI (Applied Sciences, Symmetry), Nature Publishing Group (Scientific Reports), Royal Astronomical Society (Geophysical Journal International), Royal Society (Proceedings of the Royal Society A), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (Geophysics, The Leading Edge). These articles may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the authors and the publishers.

(93) Wapenaar, K., 2024, Multiple reflections on Huygens' principle: under review.

(92) Van Manen, D.J., Aichele, J., Mueller, J., Serra-Garcia, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2024, On acoustic space-time media that compute their own inverse: under review. Preprint available on arXiv.

(91) Wapenaar, K., Aichele, J., and van Manen, D.J., 2024 Waves in space-dependent and time-dependent materials: a systematic comparison: Wave Motion, Vol. 130, 103374.

(90) Shoja, A., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2024, Target-oriented least-squares reverse time migration with Marchenko redatuming and double focusing: Field data application: Geophysics, Vol. 89 (3), S267-S274.

(89) Thorbecke, J., Almobarak, M., van IJsseldijk, J., Brackenhoff, J., Meles, G., and Wapenaar, K., 2024, Design, implementation and application of the Marchenko plane-wave algorithm: Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 187, 105577.

(88) Van IJsseldijk, J., Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2024, Time-lapse applications of the Marchenko method on the Troll field: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 72, 1026-1036.

(87) Van IJsseldijk, J., Hajibeygi, H., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, A framework for subsurface monitoring by integrating reservoir simulation with time-lapse seismic surveys: Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, 13661. The paper can be accessed at the Scientific Reports website via this html-link.

(86) Wapenaar, K., Dukalski, M., Reinicke, C., and Snieder, R., 2023, Propagator and transfer matrices, Marchenko focusing functions and their mutual relations: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 235, 1403-1419.

(85) Shoja, A., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, Target-enclosed least-squares seismic imaging: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 61, 4503612.

(84) Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, Minimum-phase property and reconstruction of elastodynamic dereverberation matrix operators: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 235, 1-11.

(83) Van IJsseldijk, J., van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, Extracting small time-lapse traveltime changes in a reservoir using primaries and internal multiples after Marchenko-based target zone isolation: Geophysics, Vol. 88 (2), R135-R143.

(82) Shoja, A., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2023, Target-oriented least-squares reverse-time migration using Marchenko double-focusing: reducing the artefacts caused by overburden multiples: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 233, 13-32.

(81) Diekmann, L., Vasconcelos, I., Wapenaar, K., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2023, Wavefield focusing using a generalised, potentially asymmetric homogeneous Green's function: Wave Motion, Vol. 116, 103071.

(80) Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2022, Reciprocity and representations for wave fields in 3D inhomogeneous parity-time symmetric materials: Symmetry, Vol. 14 (11), 2236.

(79) Zhang, L., Shao, J., Zheng, Y., Wang, Y., and Slob, E., 2022, A comparison of imaging domain and data domain Marchenko multiple elimination schemes: Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Vol. 65 (4), 1416-1424 (in Chinese).

(78) Van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Meles, G.A., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, Marchenko Green's function retrieval in layered elastic media from two-sided reflection and transmission data: Applied Sciences, Vol. 12 (15), 7824.

(77) Van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Meles, G., Zhang, L., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, On the retrieval of forward-scattered waveforms from acoustic reflection and transmission data with the Marchenko equation: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 69 (5), 1775-1786.

(76) Wapenaar, K., 2022, Wave-field representations with Green's functions, propagator matrices, and Marchenko-type focusing functions: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 151 (1), 587-608. Copyright (2022) Author. This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License. The article appeared in JASA and may be found at

(75) Wapenaar, K., and de Ridder, S., 2022, On the relation between the propagator matrix and the Marchenko focusing function: Geophysics, Vol. 87 (2), A7-A11.

(74) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, 3-D virtual seismology: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 60, 4702015.

(73) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., Meles, G., Koehne, V., Barrera, D., and Wapenaar, K., 2022, 3D Marchenko applications: implementation and examples: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 70, 35-56.

(72) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Dukalski, M., Meles, G., Reinicke, C., Slob, E., Staring, M., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., and Zhang, L., 2021, Marchenko redatuming, imaging, and multiple elimination and their mutual relations: Geophysics, Vol. 86 (5), WC117-WC140. Expanded version pdf-file

(71) Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Internal multiple elimination: Can we trust an acoustic approximation?: Geophysics, Vol. 86 (5), WC41-WC54.

(70) Slob, E., Zhang, L., and Verschuur, E., 2021, Marchenko multiple elimination and full wavefield migration in a resonant pinch-out model: Geophysics, Vol. 86, WC1-WC9.

(69) Wapenaar, K., Snieder, R., de Ridder, S., and Slob, E., 2021, Green's function representations for Marchenko imaging without up/down decomposition: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 227, 184-203.

(68) Yang, B., and Slob, E., 2021, Marchenko inversion of GPR data for a 1D dissipative medium: Progr. Electrom. Res. M, Vol. 102, 65-79.

(67) Kiraz, M.S.R., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Focusing waves in an unknown medium without wavefield decomposition: JASA Express Lett., Vol. 1 (5), 055602. Copyright (2021) Authors. This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License. The article appeared in JASA Express Letters and may be found at doi/10.1121/10.0004962.

(66) Thorbecke, J., Zhang, L., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2021, Implementation of the Marchenko multiple elimination algorithm: Geophysics, Vol. 86 (2), F9-F23. Bright spots column pdf-file.

(65) Staring, M., Dukalski, M., Belonosov, M., Baardman, R.H., Yoo, J., Hegge, R.F., van Borselen, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Robust estimation of primaries by sparse inversion and Marchenko equation-based workflow for multiple suppression in the case of a shallow water layer and a complex overburden: A 2D case study in the Arabian Gulf: Geophysics, Vol. 86 (2), Q15-Q25.

(64) Slob, E., and Zhang, L., 2021, Unified elimination of 1D acoustic multiple reflection: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 69, 327-348.

(63) Van IJsseldijk, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2021, Adaptation of the iterative Marchenko scheme for imperfectly sampled data: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 224, 326-336.

(62) Wapenaar, K., 2020, Reciprocity and representation theorems for flux- and field-normalised decomposed wave fields: Advances in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2020, 9540135.

(61) Reinicke, C., Dukalski, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, Comparison of monotonicity challenges encountered by the inverse scattering series and the Marchenko demultiple method for elastic waves: Geophysics, Vol. 85 (5), Q11-Q26.

(60) Zhang, L., 2020, Migration with reduced artifacts from internal multiple reflections: Geophysics, Vol. 85 (4), A25-A29.

(59) Wapenaar, K., 2020, The Marchenko method for evanescent waves: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 223, 1412-1417.

(58) Wapenaar, K., 2020, A modified Marchenko method to retrieve the wave field inside layered metamaterial from reflection measurements at the surface: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 148 (2), 939-953. Copyright (2020) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. The article appeared in JASA and may be found at

(57) Staring, M., and Wapenaar, K., 2020, Three-dimensional Marchenko internal multiple attenuation on narrow azimuth streamer data of the Santos Basin, Brazil: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 68, 1864-1877.

(56) Meles, G.A., Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2020, Data-driven retrieval of primary plane-wave responses: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 68, 1834-1846.

(55) Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., and Treitel, S., 2020, Tutorial: unified 1D inversion of the acoustic reflection response: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 68, 1425-1442.

(54) Zhang, L., and Slob, E., 2020, Marchenko multiple elimination of a laboratory example: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 221, 1138-1144.

(53) Zhang, L., and Slob, E., 2020, A fast algorithm for multiple elimination and transmission compensation in primary reflections: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 221, 371-377.

(52) Wapenaar, K., and van IJsseldijk, J., 2020, Discrete representations for Marchenko imaging of imperfectly sampled data: Geophysics, Vol. 85 (2), A1-A5.

(51) Zhang, L., and Slob, E., 2020, A field data example of Marchenko multiple elimination: Geophysics, Vol. 85 (2), S65-S70.

(50) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Virtual sources and receivers in the real Earth: Considerations for practical applications: Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 124, 11,802-11,821.

(49) Sripanich, Y., Vasconcelos, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Velocity-independent Marchenko focusing in time- and depth-imaging domains for media with mild lateral heterogeneity: Geophysics, Vol. 84 (6), Q57-Q72.

(48) Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2019, Data-driven internal multiple elimination and its consequences for imaging: A comparison of strategies: Geophysics, Vol. 84 (5), S365-S372. Bright spots column pdf-file. (Honorable mention for best paper in Geophysics, 2019)

(47) Wapenaar, K., and Reinicke, C., 2019, Unified wave field retrieval and imaging method for inhomogeneous non-reciprocal media: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 146 (1), 810-825. Copyright (2019) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. The article appeared in JASA and may be found at

(46) Meles, G.A., van der Neut, J., van Dongen, K.W.A., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Wavefield finite time focusing with reduced spatial exposure: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 145 (6), 3521-3530. Copyright (2019) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. The article appeared in JASA and may be found at

(45) Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2019, Transmission compensated primary reflection retrieval in the data domain and consequences for imaging: Geophysics, Vol. 84 (4), Q27-Q36.

(44) Reinicke, C., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Elastodynamic single-sided homogeneous Green's function representation: Theory and numerical examples: Wave Motion, Vol. 89, 245-264. Online paper html-link

(43) Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2019, Monitoring of induced distributed double-couple sources using Marchenko-based virtual receivers: Solid Earth, Vol. 10, 1301-1319. Online paper html-link

(42) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., and Thorbecke, J., 2019, Green's theorem in seismic imaging across the scales: Solid Earth, Vol. 10, 517-536. Online paper html-link

(41) Wapenaar, K., and Reinicke, C., 2019, An acoustic imaging method for layered non-reciprocal media: EPL (Europhysics Letters), Vol. 125, 34003.

(40) Zhang, L., and Slob, E., 2019, Free-surface and internal multiple elimination in one step without adaptive subtraction: Geophysics, Vol. 84 (1), A7-A11.

(39) Staring, M., Pereira, R., Douma, H., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Source-receiver Marchenko redatuming on field data using an adaptive double-focusing method: Geophysics, Vol. 83 (6), S579-S590.

(38) Zhang, L., and Staring, M., 2018, Marchenko scheme based internal multiple reflection elimination in acoustic wavefield: Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 159, 429-433.

(37) Zhang, L., Slob, E., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Artifact-free reverse time migration: Geophysics, Vol. 83 (5), A65-A68.

(36) Wapenaar, K., and Staring, M., 2018, Marchenko-based target replacement, accounting for all orders of multiple reflections: Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 123, 4942-4964.

(35) Liu, Y., Arntsen, B., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Up- and downgoing borehole wavefield retrieval using single component borehole and reflection data: Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 155, 256-264.

(34) Meles, G.A., Wapenaar, K., and Thorbecke, J., 2018, Virtual plane-wave imaging via Marchenko redatuming: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 214, 508-519.

(33) Van der Neut, J., Brackenhoff, J., Staring, M., Zhang, L., de Ridder, S., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, Single- and double-sided Marchenko imaging conditions in acoustic media: IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, Vol. 4, 160-171.

(32) Wapenaar, K., Brackenhoff, J., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., Slob, E., and Verschuur, E., 2018, Virtual acoustics in inhomogeneous media with single-sided access: Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, 2497. Movies: Fig1a, Fig1b, Fig1c, Fig1d, Fig3, Fig4. The paper can be accessed via the Scientific Reports webpage of Nature: html-link

(31) Cui, T., Vasconcelos, I., van Manen, D.-J., and Wapenaar, K., 2018, A tour of Marchenko redatuming: Focusing the subsurface wavefield: The Leading Edge, Vol. 37 (1), 67a1-67a6.

(30) Wapenaar K., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2017, Review paper: Virtual sources and their responses, Part II: data-driven single-sided focusing: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 65, 1430-1451. Movies: Fig13, Fig14, Fig15. Online Abstract html-link

(29) Wapenaar K., and Thorbecke, J., 2017, Review paper: Virtual sources and their responses, Part I: time-reversal acoustics and seismic interferometry: Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 65, 1411-1429. Movies: Fig1, Fig3, Fig4. Online Abstract html-link

(28) Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., Brackenhoff, J., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Implementation of the Marchenko method: Geophysics, Vol. 82 (6), WB29-WB45.

(27) Liu, Y., Landro, M., Arntsen, B., van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, A new approach to separate seismic time-lapse time shifts in the reservoir and overburden: Geophysics, Vol. 82 (6), Q67-Q78.

(26) Van der Neut, J., Ravasi, M., Liu, Y., and Vasconcelos, I., 2017, Target-enclosed seismic imaging: Geophysics, Vol. 82 (6), Q53-Q66.

(25) Wapenaar, K., 2017, A single-sided representation for the homogeneous Green's function of a unified scalar wave equation: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 141 (6), 4466-4479. Copyright (2017) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(24) Van der Neut, J., Johnson, J.L., van Wijk, K., Singh, S., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, A Marchenko equation for acoustic inverse source problems: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 141 (6), 4332-4346. Copyright (2017) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(23) Singh, S., Snieder, R., van der Neut, J., Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., and Wapenaar, K., 2017, Accounting for free-surface multiples in Marchenko imaging: Geophysics, Vol. 82 (1), R19-R30.

(22) Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., and Slob, E., 2017, On the role of multiples in Marchenko imaging: Geophysics, Vol. 82 (1), A1-A5.

(21) Van der Neut, J., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Adaptive overburden elimination with the multidimensional Marchenko equation: Geophysics, Vol. 81 (5), T265-T284.

(20) Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., and Slob, E., 2016, Unified double- and single-sided homogeneous Green's function representations: Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol. 472, 20160162.

(19) Minato, S., and Ghose, R., 2016, Enhanced characterization of fracture compliance heterogeneity using multiple reflections and data-driven Green's function retrieval: Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 121, 2813-2836.

(18) Slob, E., 2016, Green's function retrieval and Marchenko imaging in a dissipative acoustic medium: Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 116 (16), 164301.

(17) Meles, G.A., Wapenaar, K., and Curtis, A., 2016, Reconstructing the primary reflections in seismic data by Marchenko redatuming and convolutional interferometry: Geophysics, Vol. 81 (2), Q15-Q26.

(16) Liu, Y., van der Neut, J., Arntsen, B., and Wapenaar, K., 2016, Combination of surface and borehole seismic data for robust target-oriented imaging: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 205, 758-775.

(15) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., and van der Neut, J., 2016, A single-sided homogeneous Green's function representation for holographic imaging, inverse scattering, time-reversal acoustics and interferometric Green's function retrieval: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 205, 531-535.

(14) Van der Neut, J., Vasconcelos, I., and Wapenaar, K., 2015, On Green's function retrieval by iterative substitution of the coupled Marchenko equations: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 203, 792-813.

(13) Singh, S., Snieder, R., Behura, J., van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2015, Marchenko imaging: Imaging with primaries, internal multiples, and free-surface multiples: Geophysics, Vol. 80 (5), S165-S174. Bright spots column pdf-file.

(12) Van der Neut, J., Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Slob, E., and Vasconcelos, I., 2015, An illustration of adaptive Marchenko imaging: The Leading Edge, Vol. 34 (7), 818-822.

(11) Wapenaar, K., 2014, Single-sided Marchenko focusing of compressional and shear waves: Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 90 (6), 063202.

(10) Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., 2014, On the Marchenko equation for multicomponent single-sided reflection data: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 199, 1367-1371.

(9) Behura, J., Wapenaar, K., and Snieder, R., 2014, Autofocus imaging: Image reconstruction based on inverse scattering theory: Geophysics, Vol. 79 (3), A19-A26.

(8) Broggini, F., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2014, Data-driven wave field focusing and imaging with multidimensional deconvolution: numerical examples for reflection data with internal multiples: Geophysics, Vol. 79 (3), WA107-WA115.

(7) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., Van der Neut, J., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2014, Marchenko imaging: Geophysics, Vol. 79 (3), WA39-WA57. Bright spots column pdf-file.

(6) Wapenaar, K., Thorbecke, J., van der Neut, J., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2014, Green's function retrieval from reflection data, in absence of a receiver at the virtual source position: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 135 (5), 2847-2861. Copyright (2014) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. Online Abstract.

(5) Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Broggini, F., and Snieder, R., 2014, Seismic reflector imaging using internal multiples with Marchenko-type equations: Geophysics, Vol. 79 (2), S63-S76.

(4) Broggini, F., Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., and Snieder, R., 2014, Data-driven Green's function retrieval and application to imaging with multidimensional deconvolution: Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 119, 425-441.

(3) Wapenaar, K., Broggini, F., Slob, E., and Snieder, R., 2013, Three-dimensional single-sided Marchenko inverse scattering, data-driven focusing, Green's function retrieval, and their mutual relations: Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 110 (8), 084301. Focus: A Better View Underground (Physics spotlight article) html-link

(2) Wapenaar, K., Broggini, F., and Snieder, R., 2012, Creating a virtual source inside a medium from reflection data: heuristic derivation and stationary-phase analysis: Geoph. J. Int., Vol. 190, 1020-1024.

(1) Broggini, F., Snieder, R., and Wapenaar, K., 2012, Focusing the wavefield inside an unknown 1D medium: Beyond seismic interferometry: Geophysics, Vol. 77 (5), A25-A28.

Kees Wapenaar

Page last modified: July 2024